Not Jealous (Hwoarang -🍋)

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"Hey, I'm going to grab another drink. Want anything?"

"Yeah, my usual!" Hwoarang spat out, too busy laughing with the rest of his friends

He would always get the same drink, and I knew what I wanted, having to cram against the crowded bar. It was so loud that I had to lean over the bar top and yell my order to the bartender, accidentally bumping someone.

"Oh goodness, I'm sorry!" I hurried to apologize, finding a black-haired man in a biker jacket next to me, his eyes peeking through his bangs:

"It's crowded. Don't worry about it."

"Very crowded," I chuckled nervously, getting my drinks and smiling before I left, "You have a good one!"

"You too," He smiled back softly, waving as I left.

Returning to all my friends, they were still lively except for Hwoarang, who was staring at something with a scowl on his face as I held out his drink:

"Your usual."

He was hyper-focused on whatever he was staring at, leaning to get in his face and tease, "Want me to drink it instead?"

"Thanks," Finally taking his drink, he was still staring out to the crowd of people, so I asked as I sat next to him:

"What's your deal? What are you staring at?"

He ignored me, and more questions flooded my mind when I sat, and his arm went around my shoulders; trying to look in the same direction, I saw that guy that I bumped into at the bar, his eyes locked with Hwoarang's.

That's when it clicked in my head, nearly spilling my drink as I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Hwoarang was confused by my laughter, and I kept things straightforward:

"Are you jealous because I talked to that guy at the bar?"

How his cheeks turned red with a sour look had me rolling, jumping at his hand falling and pinching my side, mumbling under his breath:

"Jealously is when you're upset about something you don't have. So, no. I'm not jealous."

Good thing I had my drink, taking a big sip for some liquid courage before asking:

"Oh, so you think you have me?"

Gazing past the orange strand of hair against his nose, we've never stared at each other so deeply, glancing at that guy still at the bar and then back to Hwoarang:

"Don't like the way he smiled at me or something?"

"I don't like that guy," That was obvious, glaring at him once more before turning back to me with a cocky smirk, hand latched to my hip and pulling me closer, "And yeah, I'm pretty sure I have you."

Why did I feel so hot suddenly? I didn't even realize how heavy my breaths were as he just smirked at me, beginning to lean closer, but both of us stopped as our friends made their presence known and teased:

"Geez! Get a room!"

So much embarrassment overtook me; a part of me wanted to kick their asses for ruining that moment for me. Hwoarang was about to kiss me, and that's what they do?!

"I'm gonna run to the restroom," I said quickly, standing and speedwalking off, but Hwoarang was right behind me. I heard him yell at our friends before speaking to me:

"Wait a second!"

I made it to the restroom area first, seeing a closet in the hall. Opening it quickly, there was just some cleaning supplies on some shelves against the back wall, keeping it open a little as Hwoarang came around, groaning:

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