The New Guy

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I woke up slowly with LJ's arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly. I looked up at LJ to see his sleeping face, his lips parted a little. I smiled and pecked his lips, making him wake up with a small blush and a smile.

"Good morning, hun." He said groggily.

"Good morning." I said as I kissed him again. I jumped when the sudden loud ringing of my alarm clock sounded. He chuckled and slammed the button on the clock to silence it. I sighed and got up, taking some fresh clothes from my wardrobe and walked into my bathroom. I locked the door before heating the water and stripping down. I stepped into the shower once it was the perfect temperature and immediately started to lather up with my lavender body wash. I rinsed the suds off and washed my hair before rinsing that and getting out. I wrapped a towel around me before noticing my clothes were gone. I walked into my room, immediately seeing Jack whistling and looking around my room.

"Jack?" I asked, tapping my foot on the ground and crossed my arms.

"Yes dear?" He said while looking at me with puppy eyes and a small blush on his face.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked. He just shrugged and continued whistling.

"Jack~, where are my clothes?" I asked a little bit more impatient. He sighed and finally handed me my clothes.

"Thank you." I said as I walked into the bathroom and got dressed before coming out and drying my hair. I put the towel in the hamper and walked out of my room and into the living room, Jack following behind me and closing the door. We walked down the last step before we noticed that there was a new guy walking around with Masky.

"There they are. Perfect timing. Have you guys met Helen?" Masky said, waving as he walked towards us. Helen's black hair and icy blue eyes reminded me of the boy that I killed for training. His mask was white with a blood-painted smile. The eye sockets were black, but I could see a small hint of blue. His hands were buried in his long, blue coat with a smiley face button on his left shoulder. Laughing Jack stepped up to him and shook Helen's hand.

"Hi. I'm Laughing Jack, or LJ. Hehe." Jack said and pulled away. I stepped up and shook Helen's hand as well.

"Hey. I'm Haley." I said with a smile and pulled away. Helen just stared at me in silence. My smile faded into a look of confusion. "Are you okay, Helen?" I asked. He growled at me before slamming me into the wall with a knife on my neck.

"You bitch! You did this to me!" He yelled as he dug the knife into my neck. I gasped as LJ ripped him off of me and began to punch him. Masky quickly pulled Jack back and called for Hoodie. He came running in and immediately noticed what happened.

"Don't you dare touch my girl again! Got it?!" Jack yelled as he tried to get out of Masky's grasp. Hoodie ran over to me and examined my neck, which was growing in pain. I cried out as the pain began to grow worse every second.

"Hoody, take her to EJ! Now!" Masky yelled, struggling to hold back Jack. Hoody picked me up bridal style and quickly ran up the stairs and down the hall. Before we were out of earshot, I could hear Jeff:

"Listen you bastard, if you mess with one of us you mess with all of us! And we're not gonna let you just walk in here and think that you own the place. We have had enough of you already!" Jeff said. I smiled slightly and noticed my eyes were drooping. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep before Hoodie shook me awake.

"C'mon Haley. Stay awake." He said as he ran faster. Soon, we barged through the door. I turned to see EJ with my half-lidded eyes. He immediately shot his head up.

"Hoodie? What happened?" Hoodie slowed down and turned to EJ.

"The new guy. That's what happened. Do you have an opening?" He asked.

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