A Blast To The Past Pt. 1- Jeff the Killer

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This chapter was requested by @abucusblecs
Thanks for the request!
My eyes widened. Maria was chained to a wall, bleeding from her head and barely clinging on to life. Her gray hair was messy and her eyes were drooping, her arms were slightly moving which caused the chains to move. I ran to her and struck the rusted chains with my other tendrils, causing them to break. I picked her up bridal style and teleported back to the mansion. Everyone looked up from what they were doing. Tears were forming in my eyes and I smelled like metal due to Maria's blood.

"EJ, get a bed in the medical wing opened quickly!' I yelled. Father and all of my uncles teleported into the room. EJ did what I said and father took Maria from my arms and ran up the stairs with EJ. Uncle Slender calmed everyone down and started to ask questions.

"What happened?" He asked.

"There's a doppelgänger walking the mansions now. She said she didn't work for everyone, but the only thing I know now is that Zalgo wants Flower to raise her as his own." I said quickly, my ghost-like voice bouncing off the walls. I took Flower back into my arms and handed her to Uncle Trender.

"Can you please take her back to her crib?" I asked. He nodded and disappeared before reappearing.

"Haley, you look exhausted. Go upstairs and get to bed. We'll take care of Maria." Uncle Slender said. I sighed before nodding and teleporting to my room. I changed into my normal form and, without changing into pajamas, hopped into bed and fell asleep immediately.
I woke up slowly and realized I was in the middle of a hospital hallway. Nurses and doctors were walking back and fourth down the white hallway, their heels clicking on the multicolored floor. I stood up and looked around.

"Excuse me miss, but can you-" I started, but she just walked right past me like I wasn't even there. I glared at her but I tried again on a doctor who was looking down at a clipboard and walking forward.

"Excuse me-" I froze as he walked straight through me. I took a glance back with wide eyes as the brown haired doctor shivered. I looked down at my hands and seen that they were transparent. I sighed and looked up before I heard part of a group of 3 doctors' conversation:

"...Jeffery Woods..." I glanced at them. Jeff! Maybe he knows what's going on. I followed the doctors into one of the rooms down the hall. I walked in to see Jeff in his bed with bandages on his face and his family surrounding him. His mother had tears running down her face as she bawled in her husbands arms.

"Hello Jeffery. Today we are going to take off the bandages on your face okay?" One of the doctors said. They all walked over to him along with one doctor that had a pair of scissors with him. The doctor snipped at the bandages, causing them all to fall off. Underneath was a pale, leather-faced Jeff with burnt hair. His mother gasped. Hearing this, he gets up and runs to the connected bathroom and stops at the mirror. His eyes widen and he feels his face.

"Don't worry Jeff. It's- it's not that bad." Liu says, stuttering a little. Jeff stays speechless for a moment.

"Not that bad? I'm beautiful!" He says grabbing Liu's arms and staring at him with wide eyes and a grin. Liu looks uncomfortable as he twists out of Jeffs grip.

"Good news Mrs. Woods. Your son is able to go home now. Have a good day!" One of the doctors says as they all pile out of the room. The Woods' family all walk out of the room and out the double doors in the lobby. I followed them out and watched as they climbed into the family car. They sped off and the picture around me changed. The hospital parking lot picture waved and faded away to the front of the Woods' residence in the darkness. I let myself in and traveled to Jeff's room. He wasn't in his bed, but I seen a light in the bathroom and heard crying. I slowly walked toward the bathroom and opened the door enough to let me see through. Jeff was carving one part of his smile into his face with tears running down his face. Suddenly I heard shuffling in his parents room. I backed away from the door and watched her as she stared at Jeff in horror.

"Jeff what are you doing?!" She said. I heard Jeff say something inaudible, but his mother ran back into their room. Jeff followed soon after and I walked behind him. His mother was laying across the bed trying to wake her husband.

"Wake up! Get the gun!" She whisper-yelled. He stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up.

"Mommy, you lied." Was all Jeff said before pouncing on them and stabbing them both repeatedly before death. I hid behind the bathroom door because I seen Jeff's insane side and not wanting to interfere. He trudged into Liu's room, his bloody knife scraping the walls. Jeff stood in the doorway for a couple minutes before trudging in. I walked up behind him and seen everything unfold. Jeff stood by Liu's bed before Liu sensed someone was watching him. He opened his green eyes and Jeff covered Liu's mouth with his pale hand. Liu's eyes widened.

"Shhhh... Just go to sleep." He said as he began to stab at Liu. Liu shot up out of bed and fought Jeff back, bleeding from the cuts. Jeff sliced at Liu which earned Liu large gashes on his face, chest and neck. He fell to the ground, Jeff on top with his knife raised. I gasped and ran to Jeff while knocking him off. I stood up quickly and got into my battle stance. He looked up and growled and charged at me. I willed my tendrils to pin him to the wall. His knife fell from his hand. I held him there until he calmed down. I looked back at Liu to notice he was ripping parts of his shirt off to stop the bleeding while backing into a corner. He was looking at me in fear the entire time. Jeff kept glaring.

"Who-who are you?! What are you?!" Liu asked from the corner.

"Your friend. Come on. We have to go to my Uncle's mansion." I said, grabbing Liu with my tendrils and teleporting to the mansion. However, there was just one problem...

It was missing.

Happy late holidays and happy late New Years!!! I hope you guys had a fun holiday and new year!!! Thank you for reading and I will see you guys later! See ya!

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