C1-Daily Life 5

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A/N: This is an explanation of the motive, then discussing it.

"Dear students of this killing game, I present to you our first motive! Everyone will get an update for your monopads, and it will give you a reason you should kill one person in this school! It gives their weaknesses, too. Good luck, everyone!" Monokuma says, then hops out of the room.

"Why does he never talk to us?" Keiko wondered. "Whatever, probably nothing."

A ping was sent through our monpads, letting us know the update was finished. I take my monopad out of my pocket and see a new app on it. There's a map... my relationship with others and... the motive app.

I click the motive app, and I see that it says "chapter 1 motive." Weird, they call these chapters... probably just something they say when deaths happen. Let's not take that into matter right now.

I click on "chapter 1 motive" and read the title: "Jacob Lorde and his weaknesses."

'What the hell?" I mutter.

My ears take note of the other things that people were saying. Emily cackles, Keiko seems surprised, Jacob sighs, and Tomoka gasps.

"So we all got it, huh?" Jacob says, looking around. "Yep. Just as I thought..."

"Why don't we all announce who we have for our motives? Just so it makes things easier while investigating?" Tomoka suggests.

"Ok. I'll go first. I got Jacob." I state, assertively.

"I guess I'll go next... I got Marjie." Jacob responds.

"Amy." Marjie whispers.

"Oh, we'll be having a talk later. Anyways, I got Emily." Amy explains.

"Keiko was mine!" Emily jumps up with a psychotic look on her face.

"Nanashi. He was who showed up on my screen." Keiko adds.

"Oh... I have... um... Shikumo..."  Nanashi shudders.

"All right, let's see... I have Tomoka." Shikumo articulates.

"Let's see... I got Tsumiko's!" Tomoka smiles.

"Michael. I got Michael!" Tsumiko exclaims.

"Oh my! I got my beloved Mirai!" Michael gasps, acting like a theater kid.

"Oh, get over it dipshit. I got Mei." Mirai rolls her eyes.

"Raketsu... is mine." Mei comments.

"I seem to have gotten... Juniper." Raketsu declares.

"Please, call me June. Anyways, I have Reo's." Junie remarks.

"Looks like we've come full circle! I have Ari's!" Reo exclaims.

"We don't seem to have missed anyone, so that's good. I beleive we should be getting to our dorm rooms now. Does anyone know where they are?" I declare.

"Let's all go together!" Tomoka exclaims. "While you and June were having a moment in the library, the rewt of us checked the dorms. So, we know where they are!"

"You coulda' left it at 'I know,' but whatever..." I grumble.

Shrugging off that comment, Tomoka leads the way to the dorms. Mirai and Jacob are talking while Michael walks alone. Tomoka, Raketsu, Reo, Shikumo, and Nanashi are making small talk in the front. Keiko and Emily are talking about something to do with... cheese. Amy and Marjie are talking, and Amy seems to be a bit mad. Tsumiko and Mei seem to be playing a hand game together, so that left me and Junie. It was silent for a bit. She seemed to be a bit awkward about things.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier." I say, finally breaking the silence.

"There's really no need. You were distressed, so I wanted to help." She responds.

"I just don't like talking about it. It's my past and... let's just say where I grew up was not the... greatest of places."

"It's ok, really. You know your boundaries, so I'll respect them."

Now our hands touch. I feel it, and I reach to grab it. Our hands are now holding. My face turns a blushing red mess, but luckily, we're in the back so no one can see us.

 As we walk, it remains silent again until we reach the dorms.

"Goodnight, Ari. I hope you sleep... well." Junie says, letting go of my hand and going into the room with her picture on it.

"Goodnight..." I respond, walking into the room with the picture of me on it.

My first night in this crazy school has now begun.

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