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Will and Hannibal were mesmerized by the beauty and grace of the Greek statues that adorned the museum. As they walked Hannibal pointed out and compared Will's physique to the statues of David and Apollo, he couldn't help but express his admirations.

"you possess the beauty as breathtaking as that of a Greek statue, captivating all who lay eyes upon you. With features so chiseled and refined that evokes the grace and elegance of ancient sculptures. You are a living embodiment of aesthetic perfection, leaving an indelible impression on all fortunate enough to behold you."

He saw Will as a living piece of art, a masterpiece in his own right.
The 2 strolled through the museum, Hannibal sharing his knowledge and insights about the artworks he had longed to discuss with Will. They moved from one display to another, their shared appreciation for beauty deepening their connection to each other.

While leaving the museum, Will suggested they take a detour to the beach since the sun was setting painting the sky in hues of gold and pink, creating a breathtaking backdrop for their intimate moment.
Hannibal agreed as they settled on a carefully crafted quilt, their own private sanctuary on the sand.
On the quilt, they arranged a miniature picnic, complete with three different kinds of wine. Unable to decide which one to open, they allowed themselves the indulgence of all three, each sip heightening their senses and deepening their desires,
helping to further intoxicate their senses.

As the waves gently lapped against the shore, Will and Hannibal engaged in a conversation that flowed effortlessly, exploring their shared passions and dreams.Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the magic of the moment, their laughter mingling with the symphony of the ocean. Will and Hannibal found themselves lost in each other's gaze, their connection transcending words. In that moment, they realized that their souls were intertwined, like the intricate brush strokes on a canvas or the sculpted curves of a marble masterpiece. In that enchanting setting, they discovered a profound understanding and admiration for one another, a bond that transcended words.
As the stars began to sprinkle the night sky, they realized that this moment, this connection, was a work of art in itself—a masterpiece sculpted by their shared experiences and genuine affection.

As the evening unfolded, the atmosphere became intoxicatingly sensual. Will, feeling the weight of his true feelings for Hannibal, knew it was time to share them. He mustered his courage and, with trembling words, confessed his love for the enigmatic psychiatrist.

"I find myself sitting on this desolate beach, the vastness of the ocean mirroring the turmoil within me. It is here, in this space where the crashing waves drown out the whispers of society, that I feel compelled to confess my deepest, most unsettling emotions."

Hannibal stared at will with slight confusion plastered on his face unknowing of what's to be said but he knew he wanted to hear these words, he felt compelled to.

"Hannibal, you have infiltrated the darkest corners of my mind, unraveling secrets that I dared not confront. Your presence, both intriguing and unnerving, has stirred within me a conflict of emotions that I struggle to comprehend. You have seen me at my most vulnerable, peering into the depths of my soul with an understanding that surpasses reason. There is an undeniable connection between us, an inexplicable bond that transcends the boundaries of ordinary relationships. In your company, I am both exhilarated and terrified by the intensity of my own emotions. Your intellect, your unapologetic pursuit of your desires, it both captivates and repels me."

Will looks at Hannibal with his feelings in his throat and a face as red as summer roses. He knew he had some tears in his eyes and tried to suffocate them with his eyelids but there was no hope to hide them.

"I confess, Hannibal, that in your presence I have felt a dark allure, a magnetic pull towards the forbidden. Your sophistication and charm have seduced me into a realm where rationality and morality blur. It is a dangerous dance we engage in, a delicate balance between fascination and fear.
Yet, in the wake of this confession, I find myself grappling with the implications of my own vulnerability. Will I succumb to the darkness that simmers beneath the surface, or will I find the strength to resist its seductive call? This internal struggle consumes me, as I question the limits of my own morality and the boundaries of what is acceptable.
Hannibal, I lay bare my confessions upon the sands of this beach, vulnerable and uncertain of the path that lies before me, but in loves infatuation between us, I only have so many words I can say."

               "I love you, Hannibal
                        I'm sorry."     

Hannibal's eyes widened, acknowledging the gravity of Will's confession. He smiled and looked ahead to the moon adjusting his eyes to the now unbearable feelings growing inside of him.

"I find myself at a loss for words when it comes to expressing the depth of emotions, especially since I've never heard them being confronted with me in such a way. Will, I wish I could tell you how long I've waited to tell you what really goes on in my head."

He turned to will catching his eyes, confessing his true emotions twords him just like will did for him.
"I harbor love, a love that echoes the tragic romances of the gods and goddesses. Just like Zeus and his infatuations, my heart is captivated by you will, who has been beyond my reach. Your beauty, like Aphrodite herself, bewitches me, yet I am but a mortal, unworthy of your divine presence. I beared this burden silently for months if not years by now, my heart torn between the heavens and the earth, longing for your love that I thought that could never be mine."
     "Will, I love you too, I really do."

A sparkle danced in Will's eyes as he turned towards Hannibal, his heart brimming with affection and tears. Their eyes met, filled with a mixture of anticipation and adoration. Time seemed to stand still as Hannibal leaned in, as their hearts pounding in unison. The world around them faded into the background, as if they were the only two people left in existence. Their lips finally met, a soft, delicate connection that spoke volumes of their love. In that moment, the world erupted into a kaleidoscope of sensations. The taste of salt on their lips mingled with the sweetness of the wine they had shared together during the picnic. The gentle touch of skin on skin contact sparked a surge of warmth and desire through their body and spine as their ardent kiss continues for what felt like minutes buts still not long enough. Hannibal smiles during the last moments of the kiss and bites Will's lip just for the amusement of it. Will looks eyes with him, glaring but smiling at the same time.

As they pulled away from each other Hannibal grabs wills hand and kisses every knuckle to the top of his hand, melting away inhibitions and allowing raw emotions to surface the moment. Will was in a spiral of overwhelming emotions and covered his face in embarrassment. Hannibal laughed slightly pulling him to lay on his lap. They laid together while Hannibal explained the constellations and the meanings to Will, as Will laid in his lap holding Hannibals left hand with his on his chest.

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