We're Different

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Hannibal sat in the plush leather chair of his doctor's office, swirling the deep crimson liquid in his glass, its aroma of berries and oak filling the room. as the crackling fire danced across the room, casting shadows that seemed to mirror the depths of his own complex thoughts. Will, seated across from him, watched intently, their eyes locked in an unspoken understanding.

There was a palpable tension in the air as Hannibal carefully chose his words, using the rich tapestry of Greek history and literature as a metaphorical veil to express his hidden emotions for his love for Will.

"No one can be fully aware of another human being, unless we love them," Hannibal said. "By that love, we see potential in our beloved. Through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved's potential comes true."

Hannibal's words were a veiled expression of his love for Will, but he hoped that Will would understand the true meaning behind his words.
He believed that true understanding and connection between two individuals could only be achieved through love. Love was the lens through which one could see the untapped potential within their beloved, while simultaneously allowing themselves to acknowledge their own potential.

"Achilles wished all Greeks would die, so that he and Patroclus could conquer Troy alone. It took divine intervention to bring them down," Hannibal added, referencing the famous lovers of Greek mythology.
By referencing this story, he hoped Will would grasp the profound depth of his affection, desire and devotion.

Hannibal had bared his soul to Will, confessing his darkest desires and admitting to being the very murderer that Will had relentlessly pursued. Yet, despite the revelations, Will had chosen not to act against him. There was a flicker of something within Will that betrayed his own feelings, a tenderness and care that lingered beneath his guarded facade.

As the conversation continued, Hannibal's words danced delicately, the subtext of his love left lingering between them. He poured out his emotions, skillfully concealing his true intentions, hoping that Will would see beyond the mask he wore. The boundaries of their connection blurred, entangling their lives in a web of shared experiences and emotions.

The fire crackled and popped, casting an ethereal glow upon their faces as Hannibal bared his soul. He yearned for Will to reciprocate, to acknowledge the profound bond that had grown between them. The weight of their unspoken love hung heavily in the air, like a melody waiting for the perfect harmony to resonate.

"You gave me a man in the shape of a heart?" Will finally said, referring to the present that Hannibal had made him only two weeks prior.

Hannibal nodded, his eyes sparkling with emotion. "Yes, the man was dying and was telling me about his revelation about his homosexuality, He asked me to use him in another way to express love for someone. I knowingly already had someone in mind, someone I love dearly, and so i used him in a way to express my emotion towards you, Will."

Will was taken aback by Hannibal's words, but he knew that his feelings for Hannibal were not something that could be easily understood. He had always known that Hannibal was different, but he had never expected this level of complexity and depth in their relationship.

"Your love for me is crazy and cannibalistic, but on another fact of it, it's so very beautiful and intimately romantic," Will said, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness." I've had a hard time with my feelings toward you because I feel desire when I'm with you and need to let my love for you strive but, on the other hand, it's hard to know how to feel knowing what you are." Hannibal nodded at the statement know what this could lead to.

"I've decided though that the reason I've yet to do some about your behavior is because I don't want you to leave me so I'm wondering if it really matters wether your a cannibal and a serial killer. I've spent a long part of my life talking to you that I can't have you leave, not with the feelings I have."

Hannibal nodded again,  understanding the true meaning behind Will's words. He knew that their love was not something that could be easily explained or understood, but he also knew that it was something beautiful and precious.
Will's voice filled with emotion.

"With the understanding that our love is different and bloody, I also understand that you show me parts of you you've never shown a soul before, something that is beautiful and romantic, and something that is dark and mysterious. You love differently in a way I've never seen or have had before and as crazy as it is I think I need you Hannibal, I want you differently then before."

Hannibal smiled, his eyes tearing up with relief and love. They both knew This kind of love is deep and unconditional, where every touch, every look, every moment shared is precious and irreplaceable. It is a love that goes beyond their physical realm and connects their souls on a level that is beyond comprehension of others.

The rest of the night was quite and still. Sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking wine as the warmth of the fire and their love for each other weaved through the atmosphere. Maybe they weren't talking about anything, but they understood each other in ways most people wouldn't understand, in a way which made them feel heard and appreciated by the other. They both understood that it was going to be a hard future for them at least for a while until they finally act upon their feelings, but right now with the knowledge that they both have of each other it didn't really matter because they knew there was no coming back at this point which sent a mysterious thrill inside both of them knowing they didn't know it was coming next.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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