Music for unknown words

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Will Graham sat nervously on the plush leather couch in Hannibal Lecter's elegantly decorated living room. He clutched a worn acoustic guitar in his hands, its once vibrant finish now faded by age and neglect. It had been with him for as long as he could remember, a constant companion during lonely nights, troubled thoughts and cigarettes.

Will had always loved music, and over the years, he had taught himself how to play the guitar. But he had never had the courage to play in front of anyone. The fear of judgement and rejection had always held him back. However, tonight felt different. Tonight, he wanted to express his gratitude and love for Hannibal in a way words alone couldn't capture.

After a delectable dinner prepared by Hannibal's skilled hands, the two sat together, sipping on glasses of rich Rosé, with their conversation flowing effortlessly. The atmosphere was intimate, with a crackling fire casting a warm glow in the room. Will felt a sense of comfort that he had never experienced before.

Summoning the courage he really did have, he took a deep breath and spoke with a tremor in his voice, "Hannibal, there's something I'd like to do for you. Something I've never done before."

Hannibal, intrigued by Will's nervousness, raised an eyebrow. "Please, do tell. I'm quite curious."

Will's fingers shook slightly as he strummed a few tentative chords on his guitar. The sound filled the room, bringing a sense of vulnerability with it. He cleared his throat before beginning to play a melody he had composed just for this moment.

The song was a mixture of rock and blues, reflecting Will's complex emotions towards Hannibal. It spoke of a love that existed despite the darkness both men carried within them. Will poured his heart and soul into each note, the music intertwining with his voice.

Hannibal sat in awe, his usually stoic expression giving way to genuine surprise. He had never heard Will play the guitar before nore sing in front of him or anyone of the matter, and the raw emotion behind the music left him stunned. It was a gift, an offering of love, and a revelation.

As the last note echoed through the room, Will finally looked up, a mixture of apprehension and hope in his eyes. Hannibal remained silent for a moment, taking in the weight of the moment and the depth of Will's affection.

Finally, he spoke, his voice filled with both admiration and gratitude. "Will," he said softly, "that was truly beautiful. You have a talent that should not be hidden away."

Will's heart soared at Hannibal's words. It was a small yet significant step towards expressing his true self. Their connection deepened that evening, as they sat together in front of the fire, clad in luxurious silk pajamas.

They were two souls bound by an unconventional love, embracing the duality of their existence. And as Will played the guitar, their hearts sang in harmony, finding solace in each other's embrace.

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