(almost) Getting hit by a car

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Hi bitches and bros and non-binary hoes!!!
(If you understand the reference, marry me!)

I'm posting, yay! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it. This chapter is a little longer than the other one, so it should be enough for you.

If you have any ideas for characters just DM me. I'm happy to use other people's ideas. (I give credit.)

Have a nice day/night
Author <3

Edge's POV

I have been running for an hour before I finally saw buildings in the distance. It looked like there was a town there, so I quickly headed towards it. I needed a place to hide. I didn't know what to do now that I was finally free.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!!! Miss Gabriel sacrificed herself for ME!!! And now she's gone!!!

I shook away the thought. The last thing I needed was to loose control of my powers by my emotions taking over me.

After some time of running I was near the town. I could see most of the balconies clearly, but I was still standing in a distance. I couldn't let anyone see me like this. I needed to change to look like a normal human being.

Because I was half alien some of my powers, like shapeshifting, were weak, so I couldn't change to a different person, I could only change some details like my skin colour, my hair length, my height etc.

I changed my skin colour to white. My four eyes got replaced with only two. I overlooked myself in a puddle. I looked like a normal human. Perfect. I run towards the houses.

The city was small. I walked through the streets, thinking about, what to do. The sun has already set, but I didn't know where to go. Sure, I had the address to Miss Gabriel's apartment, but I didn't know where it was exactly. There weren't many people on the streets, only a few homeless people. I was strolling along, trying to make a plan when suddenly I heard growling from behind me. I turned to see a car driving right at me.

Jade's POV
Did you ever almost run someone over? No? If you're wondering how that feels, I can tell you it's NOT FUN AT ALL! *sigh* Maybe I should just tell you.

Me and my older brother, Carol, were driving back home. We were chatting for a while before we got bored and decided to play some music. I was humming to some random song from my brother's playlist, when a person popped from behind the corner.

"Watch out!" I yelled. Carol noticed the pedestrian and immediately applied the breaks.

The car stoped about a few meters away from the teen.

"Wow, that was close." he sighed with relief.
I noticed the person we almost run over was frozen in place, shocked, probably not believing they're still alive.

"I'll check on them" I point to the guy. Carol nodded. I got out of the car. I walked up to them.

"Hi there." I waved to them. It looked like they zoned out.

When they finally snapped back to reality, they looked at me curiously almost like they never seen another person. Huh, that was a random thought. Anyways I was standing there for a second, then start spoke up again.

"My name is Jade Warrington" I pulled out my hand to shake. "What's yours?"

They recoiled when I did that. After a moment of hesitation they shook it and answered:
"I'm Edge. Edge Lues." I could feel his body shake.

"Are you lost? Maybe you need a ride home?" I offered. He didn't seem to be a local. Besides, I know everyone here, so I would know him if he lived here.

"Uh... I-I actually...need a place to... stay" he stuttered.

I thought about it for a little.

I know him for a good four minutes, I only know his name and he wants to stay at my house? Well, he is new here, maybe he just needs to stay somewhere for a bit... And there isn't much to steal in the town
I really didn't know what to do. Then out of the blue I remembered something.

*a lil' flashback*

"We need four and a half cups of flour, but we're doing half of the recipe. How much do we need?" my grandma asked, taking a bag of flour from one of the cabinets.
"Um... I don't know granny." I look at her, embarrassed.
"Me neither. Why is maths so complicated? If only someone could help us..." she sighed.

*flashback ends*

"Hey, are you at any chance good at maths?" I smiled.
"Yeah, I am" he said more confidently than before.
"Then let's make a deal- you help me and my granny in our cafe, I let you live in my house." I put my hand out again.
"Deal" he sayid grabbing it. He wasn't smiling, though I could feel he was happier.

Edge's POV

Wow! I didn't know almost getting hit by a car could solve my problems.

I met Jade. She is a nice looking girl with medium length, blond hair put in a neat bun, blue eyes and tiny freckles. I was driving with her and her brother to their house. We were all sitting in silence, when I heard Carol and Jade whisper to each other.

"You really invited a stranger to our house?" Carol sounded annoyed, but not angry.

"He isn't a thief, he seems kind." she whispers to him." Besides we don't have anything valuable at home."

Carol sighed, but nodded in agreement. We finally reached the destination, the house. I stepped out of the car to find myself in front of a home. It was a blue Victorian style house similar to other ones in the neighbourhood. It was smaller than an average one, even though it was still pretty big. I looked at it in amazement.
"You coming or not?" Carol laughed, unlocking the door.
"Oh yeah, sorry." I quickly came inside. There was a small corridor leading in two different directions- on the left was a living room, on the right was a kitchen.
"Our parents have a bedroom with their own bathroom, it's the door next to the living room." Jade says throwing her shoes off her feet. "Come upstairs I'll show you our rooms."

Jade's room was really messy. There were pieces of paper on the floor, a full laundry bag, a desk. There were drawings hanging all over the room. The walls were white, although there were some splashes of paint here or there. Her bed had black sheets with butterflies on them. There were big bookshelves filled with books next to a closet.

The room owned by Carol was bigger. It had more shelves, mostly filled with awards from basketball competitions. He had a bigger bed with a nice green sheet, a desk with schoolwork on it. Everything was tidier in his bedroom. I didn't get to see much, because Jade's staged me to the third room.

It was in between the bathroom and Carol's room. It was pretty simple- a bed with white sheets, a bed table with a lamp, a desk, just like in the two other bedrooms. There was a window, just above it. It made me feel safe to have a place to stay.

"I'll let you unpack." Jade stated. She was about to go, when she turned to me in the last second. "Do you need anything?"
I shook my head.

She left and I unpacked my small bag. I had some spare clothes, few books (my most valuable items), some hair ties, my higien products. I think that's all. I thought. I checked the bag and saw the envelope. My thoughts immediately changed to Miss Gabriel's death.

You let her down!
She's dead!
It's your fault!

I curled up into a ball on my bed. I sobbed quietly into my pillow, trying to get rid of the them, until I eventually cried myself to sleep.

I know it might be a bit of a rush. I'll try to make the next one longer if you'd like. Also tell me about any grammar\ spelling mistakes. I'm sorry it's like "all his problems solved at once", however I'll make him suffer in the future. Just you wait...

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