Nevermind, life sucks

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Sup peoples? How are you? Hope you're well! Here are cookies for you 🍪🍪🍪🍪.
I just want to say thank you to BurnInHellAlexander. You're literally the only person commenting on this, lol.

Are ya ready for the next chapter?

I can't hear youuuuu!


Edge's POV
I found myself sitting in a strange room.
"Why is there blood everywhere?" I inquired no one in particular. The whole floor was covered in it. I tried to get up, yet I couldn't. My legs were chained to the ground.
"Hello?" my voice echoed in the emptiness.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!" I heard from behind. I turned to face Miss Gabriel, "YOU LET ME DOWN EDGE!"
"No I-"
"IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M DEAD!!! YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!" the last word kept swirling in my head. I couldn't disagree. I felt myself believing it more and more with every second.

Miss Gabriel opened her lips to say something again, however she couldn't. Instead blood started flowing from her mouth onto the floor. The room slowly filled with it. In less than a minute it was at my knee's height. At my shoulder's height. I slowly drowned in it. It was too late to save me. I felt it in my throat.
"Nobody will save you!" I thought to myself "You deserve to di-"

I suddenly woke up from the nightmare. I was in my room, in my bed. There was no blood to be found. I looked around to see all the furniture and clothes floating above the ground.

"I must've used my powers by accident. Probably because I was scared," I realised, "Now, how to undo it?"

I sat on my bed crisscross and tried to steady my breathing.
After some time the things slowly settled onto the ground. I checked the time on the clock standing on my bed table. 7.30. I sighed lying on my bed again. Maybe I'll just try get some sleep.

Jade's POV
*previously this morning*
It's Sunday!
It's Sunday. I woke up at 7.23. Of course if I had to wake up early I would have to set the alarm, because there's no possible way to wake up at this hour, when I need to. I considered staying in bed, until I felt the urge to go to the bathroom.

"Well, that settles it," I thought as I got out of bed.
Walking to the bathroom I saw something moving in Edge's room. I slowly opened the door to see his things floating around the room.
"What the fuck?" my mind found only one rational explanation for this- I was still dreaming. I chuckled under my breath. My silly mind is playing tricks on me again. Classic me.

*time skip to a normal hour*

"Wake up sleepyheads, it's Sunday!" I shouted in the hallway. I didn't wait long for an irritated Carol to come out of his room.
"Why do you always do this?" he groaned tiredly. I just stuck my tongue at him, which must have gotten him irritated, cause he slapped my shoulder playfully.
"Hey, at least it works!"

Soon Edge was out of his room too. He was wearing a black hoodie with "Nirvana" written on it in yellow. Underneath it was an angel. He also wore a pair of grey pants and socks.

I pointed at the hoodie.
"I'm guessing this one was chosen by Blake," he nodded.

Over these two days I realised something strange- Edge never smiled. He seemed tensed around other people, which made me wonder why.

"Ugh, we're going to school tomorrow," I groaned.
"I... never went to school," Edge tried to not make eye contact, "Is there a chance I can go to yours?"
"We would need to get your documents to the school, other than that, I think you can"
"That would be nice" he nodded.

We went downstairs for breakfast. We did rock, paper, scissors with Carol to see who makes breakfast. Of course I won, heh.
"Pancakes are almost ready," Carol announced, "Give me your plates."
We did just as he said and soon got them back with three warm, delicious pancakes on each.
"Wow, you're an amazing cook," Edge seemed impressed with Carol's cooking skills.
"Thanks, I practice a lot, cause someone" he looked at me, "always forgets to make it herself."
"Hey!" I shoved him playfully.

We quickly finished our meal, putting the dishes in the dishwasher. We were about to head out to help Grandma in her cafe, when the bell rang.

"Who is it?" Carol questioned, not even looking at the door.
"Maybe mom and dad," I hoped out loud.
"Highly doubt they will find some free time in their 'busy schedule' for their own children," Carol did the speech mark with his hands.
I rolled my eyes, even though what he said was true. I opened the door to see people in black uniforms, like the ones secret agents wear.

"Hello, we're looking for Edge Lues," a woman spoke up. Wait, what?!

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