Won't you marry me?

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Sorry pooks I kept adding secret agent AU 's
I just like the AU sm (~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
(And wukong's new attitude :⁠^⁠) )

It was a complete normal day. Normal. Absolutely fucking normal.

In fact, wukong was having a good day. There were no crazy idiots (read: li'uer macaque) running around, high on fucking drugs.

There were no shitty freaks (again, read: li'uer Macaque) messing around his workplace and preventing him from getting work done.

Usually, wukong's wonderful (absolutely not) husband would spam him with a barrage of texts everyday during work hours just because the bastard was way too lazy to actually do any work at the Agency.

Sometimes, wukong genuinely wondered why the Agency President, bull king, still kept macaque around.

He was just a good for nothing bastard who never did any work, after all.

Okay, maybe "genuinely" is a stretch. Anybody with half a braincell would know why macaque never got fired, despite his crazy antics.

One, the Agency members believed in treating all their colleagues like family. And as wukong very well knew, in the underworld, family didn't come along easy.

Once you find a group of people you are lucky enough to call family, you never let them go.

Macaque might not open up to people very easily, but he cared for the Agency members.

Wukonf also knew that said members cared for, and surprisingly respected him a lot. Other than the whole family aspect of Macaque's employment, the sly bastard was a literal genius. Who would ever fire someone that smart (read: idiotic)?

Currently, wukong was finishing up on his last paperwork of the day when his phone started ringing.

Being a highly respected dude, he obviously had an assembly of duties, and was quite used to getting unnecessary phone calls at any given time of the day.

As it turned out, this one wasn't unnecessary at all. Wukong didn't recognize the phone number, but nobody unimportant would ever dream of having his phone number, so he went ahead and picked it up anyway.

Tired from a long but productive day of work, he sighed as soon as he answered the call, "Who are you and what do you want?"

A nervous voice responded from the other end of the call, "Um, good evening, sun wukong."

The ginger alerted himself immediately on instinct. He recognized the voice on the other end; it was the Agency's newest member, the fire boy, as his protege likes to call him.

He asked suspiciously, "Fire boy- thing from that Agency, right? What do you want, kid?"

The redhead tried not to stutter as he spoke, "Yes! That's right! You can, um, call me redson. If you want! You don't have to! I mean!"

Wukong couldn't help but laugh as he heard the boy fray his nerves because of him.

He'd heard about redson from Macaque, and according to him, the newest member of the agency was actually quite a nice boy.

Wukong had never directly spoken to him before, but he just knew that he liked him. After all, he was Macaque's special protégé, and wukong knew better than anyone that You know, considering they used to be partners and all.

Wukong asked again, a light and friendly tone to his voice, "Don't panic so much, kid. I'm not gonna kill you, jeez. You still haven't told me what you're calling for. And how you got my number."

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