The Birthday.

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Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.

Let's get into the story.

Di have you forgotten it's your boyfriend birthday?
Ask Pragya.

Oh God, I'm sure he must be angry, now I understand why he haven't texted since morning.
Said Maya biting her tongue.

Pragya: oh I thought you had done it already, I actually wished him exactly 12am.

Maya.: You could've remind me too.

Pragya: like seriously, di, he's your boyfriend and you supposed to know better.

Maya: what should I do now?

Pragya: let's make a surprise birthday party, then it'll be like you deliberately didn't wish him else he'll be mad because how on earth will someone forget her boyfriend birthday?

Maya: yeah, you're right, genius sisi.
She said kissing cheek.

Alright, with the help of Pragya, they booked abhi's favorite place making a simple decor and called him there.

Why is here too dark, I can't even found the switch.
Maya where are you? You know I'm afraid of darkness and you called me here to scare me or what?
Said abhi,

just then the light came, he was shock to see his entire family and pragya's own there.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to youuuu
Happy birthday to youuuuu!!!!

They sing with joy.

Happy birthday sweetheart I hope you like my surprise?
Love you so much.
Said Maya and hug him.

Best ever, love you too.
He said reciprocating and kiss her forehead others clear their throat.

Pragya: sorry they didn't told me about this surprise that's why I wished you in the midnight.
She said with pout.

Wow this girl can lie.
Said Maya to herself.

Abhi: I know they always left you behind everything but to be honest your wish was the best.

Pragya: thank you.

Maya: why are you blushing?

Pragya: I'm not, why are you jealous.

Why should I? I know you both always sides each other, he would have react the same if you made this last minute surprise and I wished him in the midnight.
She said with hurt.

Abhi: I didn't mean to hurt you Maya, you know how I behave towards her and you shouldn't take it personal.
This is actually the best, the decorations, the cake and also here is my favorite place when it comes to having fun.
I'm sorry for making you feel that way.
He said palming her.

I'm supposed to say sorry.
I was overthinking, I'm so sorry.
She hugging him everyone smile..

If the drama is over shall we cut the cake now?
Asked bulbul.

Said abhi and cut it.
He fed his little sister bulbul first, Maya second then everyone exclude Pragya, she too get hurt with it but said nothing.
Abhi later see everyone enjoying the cake except Pragya.

Oh God I didn't feed her.
He said to himself looking at her, he could clearly see she's in Verge to cry.
He cut some of the cake and approach her.

She refused it.

Abhi: are you angry?

Pragya: no

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