The Out Bust

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Later in the night, it was time for Maya flight, pragya cry saying bye to her sister.

It's ok, two years will come soon.
Said Maya.

And you! What took you that long?
She ask abhi and hug him.

Take care of my sister.
She whispered to him.

Abhi: Maya we need to talk.

Maya: about what?

Abhi: about what happened in the morning.

Maya: forget it abhi, I think I was overreacting, she's pretty cute and innocent like you said, everyone will love her pictures on their screen.
I'm sorry.
She pretend to be forgiven.

Abhi: are you sure you're really ok?

Maya: yep don't worry.
She said with smile and leave.

Days, weeks and months passed, it been exactly a year after Maya and Arjun left for their masters.
She had never called abhi.
Always he's the one that call if he couldn't called means they wouldn't talk.
Abhi start to lose feelings as it seems to be one side.
It hurt by the way Maya is avoiding him indirectly.

On the other side his days start with Pragya and end with pragya as she spends half of the day in his house.
He has developed a strong feeling for her, due to how she's always there for him.
Sometimes he'll have a rough day and will call Maya to share with her but she'll be given excuses like how tired she is etc.
However, Pragya is always ready to listen and cheer him up.

Bhai grandma is calling you.
Said bulbul.


Dadis room.

I'm here dadis.

Dadis: sit down beta, it going to be a long conversation.

Abhi: amazing

Dadis: yeah, I'm really worried.

Abhi for what?

Dadis: for you

Abhi: about what?

Dadis: you're not happy with the choice you made.

Abhi: on what exactly dadis?

Dadis: chosing a life partner.
Abhi became silent, dadis continue.
I can see your love for Pragya instead, I noticed this through your actions.

Abhi: what should I do now?

Dadis: will talk to your dad.

Abhi: no dadis please.

Dadis: abhi, he will understand.

Abhi: yeah but I'm scared please don't do that.

Dadis: ok I won't.

Abhi: you know, it's all Maya's mistake.

Dadis: how?

Abhi: since she left, she have never talked to me for even ten minutes.
Dadis sometimes I will call her out of excitement but she will be like.
Is this why you're disturbing my studies or sleep?
All the excitement will vanish, if call her for having a bad day she'll say the same thing, also I'm the one that always calling and dadis I'm a human, me too I've emotions, it hurt when it hurt.
You said wiping the unknown tears.

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