The Wallpaper.

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Right after abhi put on his sim card he get a call from Maya.

Oh no, I couldn't meet her yesterday.
All because pragya's stupid prank.
He said to himself picking up.

Abhi: I'm sorry Maya, actually I was about to come but your sister got choke while helping her the phone got broken.

Maya: then what phone are you using?

Abhi: she got me this morning, I'm sorry let me fresh up and meet you.

Maya: not necessary, even if that was the case you could have come to my house.

Abhi: I said I'm sorry Maya you always exaggerating.

I'm not.

Then let's meet please, love you!

Love you too.
She said with smile.

Sometime later.

Aww I miss you.
Said Maya hugging him.

I miss you too, that your sister she need psychiatrist.

What have she done?

Abhi: she was the reason why we couldn't make it yesterday.
Would you believe she was just pranking by faking choke.


Abhi: anyway, tell me why you called me.

Maya: I want us to get engage before I'll leave for my masters degree, then after we'll get marriage.

Abhi: aren't that too quick?

Maya: why? We both love each and I think getting engage will assure both of us there's someone waiting for us.

Abhi: Maya I'm not ready for that.

Maya: means you doesn't love me like you always say.
She said teary.

Abhi: don't start your drama.

Maya: everything seems like a drama to you, what's stoping you from getting engage with me?
I'm leaving the country next too months, either you'll change your mind and let us engage or it'll be over for good.
Just then abhi's phone ring it was on the table, Maya get shock seeing Pragya on his screen.
She let him finish the call and ask about it.

Abhi: oh nothing, see you're on my home screen.
He said with smile.

Maya: be honest with me abhi, do you like my sister.

Abhi: yes but for her childish behavior nothing else, what are you thinking?

Maya: to extend that she's on your phone lock screen?

Abhi: Maya...

Maya: what abhi? I love my sister so much, I don't want to have a problem with her because of you, if you both love each other secretly tell me before it will be too late.

Abhi: stop this Maya!

Maya: why are you so mad at this? Who will use his girlfriend sister as wallpaper?

Abhi: maybe it's because she bought the phone, Maya you're overthinking .

Maya: alright, about the engagement think about it, else if I leave for my masters it'll be over between us.

Abhi: but...

Maya: I don't need your excuses please.

Abhi: alright will think about it.

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