Take a chance on me

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Yn pov
I walked to my last class. I put my stuff down and sat in my seat. I layed my head on my desk. "Miss  Ramino no sleeping" My teacher Mrs.Reynolds yelled. She went on and on about next year and stuff. The bell rang. "Have a good summer!" Mrs Smith told the whole class as we all left. I spotted the losers and went over to them. I walked with them while they talked. "B-but how dose it w-w-work?" Bill asked "They slice the tip of his dick of." Eddie stated fast. "But then stan will have nothing left!" richie spoke.

"Guys!" stanly said catching up to us. "H-hey stan what happens at the bar mitzvah anyways? E-ed's said they slice the tip of your d-d-d-dick off." bill asked "Yeah and I think the rabbi's ganna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say WHERE'S THE MEET?!" Richie said. "At the bar mitzvah I read from the Torah and then i make a speech and then suddenly I become a man." stanly explained "I can think of funner ways to become a man. " Richie States elbowing me a few times. "Beep beep Richie" Eddie whispered. "More fun you mean" stanly corrects Richie. "You guys are dumb" I spoke. We walked passed the bowers gang. "Think they will sign my yearbook?" Richie asked. "Dear Richie sorry for taking a hot steamy dump in your backpack last month. have a great summer!" Richie spoke as we made our way passed. Gretta pushed passed us.

We all than walked down the stair case and went to the garbage cans. We started emptying our bags. "What are you guys doing over the summer?" Eddie questioned. "Start my training." Richie said. "What training?" Eddie asked. "Street fighter." Richie said like it was obvious. "Is that really how you want to spend your summer? Inside of a arcade?" Eddie said. "Beats spending it inside yo mother! Oooooooo" Richie said with his hand up waiting for a high five from stanly. Stan shoke his head no and pulled his hand down.

"What if we go to the quarry" Stan suggest.  "Guys- we have the b-b-barens." Bill said. "Oh yeah right." Richie said. "Look. Betty ripsons mom." Eddie stated "Is she really expecting her to come out?" Stanly asked. "Unless she has been hiding in home EC all week" Eddie said. "You think she will actually find her?" Stanly asked. "Sure in a ditch all decomposed smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear." Richie said I hit Richie. "Shut up, that's freaking disgusting." Eddie said. "She is not d-d-dead, she is m-m-missing." Bill said. "Sorry bill. She is missing." Richie said sincerely, pushing up his big glasses.

"You know the barrens aren't that bad! Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water!" Richie said then getting pulled back by Patric making Rich bump into Stan. "Nice frisbee fl@mer!" Patric said. "Give it back!" Stan said trying to get his kippah back. Patric threw it. Henry picked me up and put me on on the trash can "our energy's connecting?" he 'mocked' me and He walked away. I saw belch burp in Eddie's ear.

Stan helped me hop off the trash can and I dusted myself off. "Your dad is over there watching you" I spoke. "You had a free ride this year because of your brother, but now that ride is over. This summer is going to be a hurt reck for you and your f@got friends" Henry spoke. He licked his hand and wipes it on bills face. Then he rolled  his eyes and walks off to belch Huggins car and drove off. "Wish he would go missing." Eddie spoke. "He is probably the one doing it." Richie said. "Come on guys" I said and we went home.

It's a slow start but it's ok lol also the titles will be song names lol

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