Another one bites the dust

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Yn pov
We biked to bens house the whole time there I listend to Eddie and Richie endlessly bicker. We finally made it to his house and he hurried in. I started to walk in when a missing poster caught my eye. It was Patrick hockseter. I shivered then walked into his house. bens house smelled like apple pie and vanilla. I walked up the stairs to see happy family pictures. His mom his dad himself and his younger sister. They looked like the perfect family.

We walk into Bens room and his walls where filled with history. "How dose he sleep at night with all this?" Eddie whispered to me. "Some people find it comforting." I said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wow!" Richie said "Cool, huh?" Ben asked "No. No, nothing cool. There's nothing cool." Richie said. "What's that?" stanly asked. "Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry Township." Ben said. "Nerd alert" Richie said. "No actually, it's pretty interesting, Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp." Ben said. "Still is, am I right, boys?" Richie said holding up his hand for a high five.

"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben said. "Wait, The entire camp?" Eddie asked. "There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something. But it's like one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well House." Ben said. "Jeez We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Richie said. "Let's do that. You're brilliant." Eddie said. I smile at the two. Jeez they where cute.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I knew they where Stanley's. My best friends arms are always comforting. "Hey B-B-Ben where is the well h-house?" Bill asked. "Erm I don't know, somewhere in Derry i geuss." Ben spoke. I hummed looking at a book. "I have to go my ma will have a aneurysm if I am not home on time!" Eddie spoke leaving. "She-" Richie starts. I interupt him. "I should get going to bye guys" I spoke and I left. I was walking when I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see Stanley. "Stan what are you?" I asked before he put a arm around my shoulder and walked with me to my house.

We made it and walked in to find my Older sister came to me and Stanley. "Hey Stan what's up!" She spoke "Just normal kid stuff. I have to go but see you later" Stanly spoke as he left. I went in my room and got ready for bed and watched movies and talked to Beverly on the phone till it was time for me to go to sleep at 12:31 am.

I literally go to bed at 3 or 4 😂

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