Dont you forget about me

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Yn pov
I got dressed and ready than made my way to the losers.

Once we got there we all sat in a circle

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Once we got there we all sat in a circle.  "What was it like In the dead lights?" Ben asked "I can only remember parts but, I thought I was dead. That is what it felt like. I saw us, all of us, together,  and we were back in the system, but we were older. Like our parents ages." Beverly said "W-what were we all doing there?" Bill asked "I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I could ever forget that." Beverly said There was a short silence then bill stood up picking up a broken pice glass. "swear. S-S-Swear, that if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back. We'll come back too." Bill stated and everyone sat there for a few seconds. Me and Beverly stood at the same time. I smiled at her sweetly. Then Richie and Eddie stood Then Stan Mike and ben. We all were standing in a circle. Bill takes the first cut.

He then gose to Richie and cuts his palm. Richie squirms and shakes his hand out to relive the pain. Now it was Eddie's turn, he looks away as the glass slide his palm and his watch beeps but this time he dose not take his pills. Next it was me he cut my hand all that I did was bit my lip Stan rubbed my back. Stan was after me "shit" he quietly cursed He walked over to Mike and slit his palm quickly. Mike gasped a little. Ben was next, he sliced ben's hand and ben slightly moved his mouth and his head turned away. Lastly Beverly, he took her hand gently and looked her in the eyes. He then cut her palm.  Her Face scrunched up a little but that was it. We all held hands and a peaceful silence filled the air. We all let go. "I hate you." Stanly said looking at us but he had a smile on his face. "See ya Stan." We all said as he left. "See you losers later, yea?" I said as I left.

I walked up to Stanley. "Stannie" I said "Hey baby" spoke Stanley as he held my hand. "You know yn, you are as gentile as a rock" he said putting a hand around my waits kissing my lips.

The end

Gentle as a rock (Stanley Uris X Yn)Where stories live. Discover now