chapter 9

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hope you guys love my friends chapter shes a really good writer were writing this togeather!!!! DONT FORGET TO VOTE VOTE VOTE

*********Niall's P.O.V.**********

We had just finished watching a movie.It seemed like everybody was getting pretty tired so Liam and Dani went back to her flat.Louis and El went back to Harry and Louis's flat.As for Delilah and me went up to her room. Oh and Harry and Elise went to the guest.

I had went up before me Im pretty sure she went to go get some snacks because im so hungry.

Delilah ran up the stairs and came into thd room with some chips,oreos,pop,and some candy bars.

She sat down next me looking me stright in the eyes. She was so pretty Im the luckiest guy in the world. We started getting closer then she said

"Tag your it." and she ran out the door. I raced after her and caught her at the stairs.

Then i heard a noise come from dosn stairs. I told Delilah to stay close to me. We walked down stairs and into the kitchen. We finally reached the front door and saw that it was open. I looked into Delilah's eyes with consern. Then I heard Elise scream.

"Go wake up Zayn and Noel." I whispered to her.

She ran quitley to the living room.I went down the hall way to the guest bedroom. I walked in and saw Elise behind Harry and abother dude.

"Oh hey whats up dude." I said to the guy on the other side of the room.

"Oh yeah guys whats wrong." I said looking at Harry in consern.

"Its Elise's exboyfriend Max hes tring to take the love of my life." Harry said tensing up abit.

"Ohh Fuck that." I said walking towards Harry.

"Thats what I said." Harty yelled.

Thats when Zayn Noel and Delilah walked into the room.

"Max what the fuck are u doing here." She said looking confused.

"Hes here trying to take me away." Elise said.

She looked at him and whispered into Zayn's ear to call the cops. He went and called them. He came back and shispered into Delilah's ear.

Max moved closer so I stepped in front of him. I heard sirens and figured the cops were here Delilah ran down to answer the door.She came back up with two police officers. They cuffed Max and took him away. The cops said that they have been looking for him for about a year now. They thanked us and went back to work.

" Well guys that was exciting." I said

"Oh shut up Niall im goin back to bed." Zayn said walking off with Noel.

I took Delilah by the hand and led us back to her room. I jumped on the bed and instently started eating the oreos.

Delilah said she was gunna take shower.She went to her dresser and grabbed out some althetic green shorts a black nike sports bra and some black lace panties. She walked into the restroom and shut the door the water came on.

It wasnt ling before she came. She was wearing her green shorts and just her sports bra. She came and layed down beside me she grabed the last oreo out if my hand and ate it.

"Hey that was mine."

" Well sweetheart it is mine now." she whispered in my ear. Her lips brushed my cheek before she kissed me on lips.

I could tell she was pretty tired so i cleared off the bed and pulled up the coveres so we could go to sleep. She curled right next to me with her head resting on my chest. I kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight.Before i could fall asleep i heard her say goodnight nialler. Then we fell into a deep sleep.

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