You were doing what?

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I quickly reached out and punched him in the jaw. He probably didn't expect it, he quickly grabbed his face and laughed. I don't find it funny, I just stare at him with my mouth wide open. I hadn't moved that fast in a while and I was pretty proud of myself. But the pride was replaced by fear. How the hell did he know my name and how the hell did he know that I was awake? 

I didn't move and I didn't make a sound. The creep is still smiling with his mouth wide open. If he wasn't a jerk and a creep he'd be handsome. He's got blue eyes that everyone will kill for, a sharp jaw, short blond hair, an athletic build, a nice smile, and majestic wings that are white like angels' wings.

 He kind of looks like an angel, but he's wearing clothes that look like a king's, not clothes like we're wearing in 2023, but more like clothes medieval. His voice breaks me out of my thoughts." Well, are you finally awake, Sleeping Beauty I've been checking on you every day to make sure you're okay".

I'm a little puzzled, but then I ask. "Where am I"? "What are you"?" Why did you come to check on me when I was sleeping"?" How did you know I wasn't sleeping"? "And how did you know my name"? I blurt out questions at him. He laughs and starts answering my questions. "Now you're in heaven after you die". 

"I'm an angel and the king of heaven"." I came to watch you because you died and I was your guardian angel but I couldn't save you in mortal land and because of that I have to take better care of you in heaven while you live in the afterlife." I knew you were awake because your heart was so loud and it seemed like it should burst out of your chest". He answered all my questions as if it was a normal thing. I look at him to see if he's normal. It can't be true, just not.

My brain can't understand it or accept it. A pedophile angel king who couldn't tell me his name is supposed to take care of me? That is not happening. The reality of what he told me hit me. I really did die. And I am now theoretically dead. I will never see my family or my friends again. This is crazy. I look into his eyes and the anger is awakened in me after I realize what he said. "Can you tell me what you were doing when I died"!

He looked at me with a strange look that I can only describe as embarrassment and shame. "Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, because I was very thirsty and so went to get a coffee but then I needed to go to the bathroom so badly, I won't go into details about what I was doing there, you can figure it by yourself. and while I was in a bathroom you got hit or run over by a car, I am not sure what I wrote in the report about your death," he said. I died just because he was in the bathroom, you've got to be kidding me. My anger just went up. Now I wasn't just angry anymore, I was furious. But then I realized he had a right to go to the bathroom even if it was at the wrong time. I must make myself sure it's true. 

"I hope you're kidding"?I ask him."Well, I'm not kidding, but I just remembered one more thing I did that I find disrespectful and rude to say to you in this situation so I'd rather not say it."But come on, since you told me you were in the bathroom, I guess it can't get any worse"? I say to him with a bitter tone. I want to know what he did and why he won't tell me even though he already told me he was in the bathroom when I died, it couldn't be more embarrassing than that. But I was wrong as hell. 

"Well, I'm only gonna tell you because I know almost everything about you and I think it's a little unfair that you wouldn't know anything about me." "And I think that must be creepy enough for you so I am honest with and I am telling the true".I am frightened and I don't like it at all that he knows everything about me, but I hope I've preserved a little dignity by not letting him know everything I think. But before I could ask him, he was already talking. 

"It's not easy. and I know you might not understand, but we angels have heightened emotions, which makes us hornier, sadder happier, just we have more intense emotions than you mortals, so if you haven't figured it out by now, I had sex when you died, okay".I look at him in disbelief. "You gotta be kidding me".Those are the first words that come out of me after I freeze.

 "No I'm not and that's why I didn't want to tell you but you insisted, and don't worry, I'm embarrassed enough to hope the ground swallows me, and if it makes you feel any better, I've been punished enough by fate".He insurance me."Can you be punished even if you're a king"? I asked. "Yes, you can be punished because we only live because of fate, he determines for every living being what happens and what doesn't happen, who dies, who is born when it happens, how it happens, why it happens, fate is a kind of god but not literally because fate is more powerful and everything happens for a purpose and also there is no god, that's just a story for you mortals to look up to because you wouldn't be able to understand fate, you would hate it. it doesn't have feelings of compassion or any other feelings, it just does things that are needed and that will make sense in the future and also keep the balance in the world, god doesn't exist because he would be like us humans with emotions and would act based on them and because of that there would never be balance and justice".

He answered my question. So I didn't expect this but I'm glad that god doesn't exist because of the things he said. For example, god would get bored and maybe create a plague or an apocalypse just to get a reaction. I've always believed that someone has to make decisions and make choices even if they don't have feelings but they have a purpose. I'm glad that fate exists I find it more understandable. Fate if I understand it correctly doesn't expect any churches and monasteries and no worshippers who are there just to boost his ego like god requires.

"Okay, that's enough for today".He said after he snapped me out of thinking about fate and god. He got up from his chair and tapped my thigh with his hand. I look at him as if he went madness. But he didn't acknowledge my look. He took his hand off my thigh and walked with slow steps to the door. He already had his hand on the creaking doorknob but he still turned around and said"Good night and get a sweet sleep Amyra "His hand went to the doorknob and he opened the door. One foot was already out when I remembered I didn't know his name. "Wait!" "Please""What's your name" I called. He didn't turn around and he seemed like he couldn't hear me anymore and just before the door closed his voice came out. "Steve Hallow".

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