ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇʀꜱ

552 25 16

Y/N's POV:

"Leaving me so soon again?" Deep male voice spoke up and the word me sent chills down my spine. I would put my hand into fire that the voice was.. different. Was I dreaming? Oh screw this shit - why am I so unlucky? Is this some kind of a comedy show? I just want to leave in peace..

I turned slowly around and lifted my eyes up. Quiet sigh left my mouth after spotting Tommy laughing at me. "Did y'all cast a spell on me?" I asked half in joke and half seriously without stopping tying my shoelaces.

His wide grin dropped and face expression turned into confused one, so I continued speaking. "Whenever I try to leave this place, my attempts get disrupted after bumping into you."

He just grinned and helped me stand up - I reluctantly accepted.

"Do you not like it here?" He asked with slight sign of disappointment that he tried to hide behind his sweet smile. I shook my head. "I never said that."

"Well it seems like it, question mark."

I scoffed and opened the main door without answering. "Thanks for having me yesterday." My words lit his face up. "No, thank you, for coming."

I walked out of the house and showed the peace sign as a goodbye and turned around. Before I could do my first step, Tommy called out my name. "Wait!" he paused and slipped on some basic flip flops to go outside.

"Give me your phone number." The tanned man demanded after catching up to me.

Oh? Is he giving me orders now? His attitude and boldness are neverlasting. I raised my eyebrows and crossed arms on my chest while tapping my foot.


His puppy eyes convinced me so I pulled out my phone out my pocket with a sigh of defeat. Tommy saved my number and immediately sent me a message - probably to prove if I was lying or not.

Then he waved goodbye to me and ran back inside the house. Time to finally and successfuly get back to my apartment.

Since it was a sunny and warm day and I've had plenty of free time, I decided to walk on my own and enjoy the American dream.

Plus I had to pick up my order anyway. Fortunately I had my earbuds with me, so I put them in my ears and tuned in Stationhead.

[AN: Stationhead is a streaming app, mostly for fanbases. It's amazing for party listening and it actually rises artist's streams, because you need Spotify premium or Apple music subscription. Arianators have a streaming bot there too!]

One of the streaming stations was currently playing SZA's songs, so I dove in and enjoyed every second of it.


"Hello, I should have an order placed here - a HyperX headset and JBL earbuds." I weakly smiled at the female cashier when I entered the store and approached her. She returned much warmer smile, asking for my full name which I gave her. Soon I was walking out the shopping center with a cardboard box stuffed with my gaming equipment.

Right after I left the building, my phone had started ringing and Siri read the ID of the caller for me. It was my manager, therefore I had to pick up, although I wasn't really in the mood to talk about work.

"Hey.. what's up?" I asked after picking up. He immediately bursted out something which I pretended I didn't hear. "Y/n, we have a meeting and two extra hours of practicing today. Did you not read the e-mail I sent yesterday?" His scolding and tight voice filled my ears.

ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏɢᴀᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ | [Ariana Grande x Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now