Morgan Davies

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Morgan Davies x READER

Off to school one day, it was monday and you grab your stuff and walk off to school.
Today was just the same, Nothing interesting at all, You walk inside and got to your locker, You felt someone wrapping his arms around you, you turn your head.

"Morgan?" You ask turning towards him, "Shh!" He continues to cling on your shoulder while hugging you from the back. He gets off and lean his back against the locker "The heck?! What's that for?"

"...You gotta help me.." He says getting close to you "With what?", he then looks around you then back to you once more.

"Pretend to be my girlfriend..."

"WHAT?!" You almost yelled but he prevent that by covering your mouth, you slap his hand away "Please?" He begged, you rolled your eyes "Thanks but No thanks" you replied and continue to get your books in to the locker "Fine... guess you're not in for five hundred dollars..." He looks away and starts to leave, you paused for a moment.

Morgan looks behind him towards you "I hate you, Davies..." You say and he claps his hand and he hugs you "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" He says in one word but what could go wrong?.

After for a past few week pretending to be his girlfriend, it wasnt really that bad. He just wanted to be closer to the girl he loves.. but when you liked him?.. no it's not okay, You tried to shake it off by music or some sort of stuff your really like to do.

You were babysitting your cousin named Samantha while working on a cafe. Morgan invited you to the movies and it was his day off by filming another movie, but he wants to spend time with this girl... but it hurts sometimes that you get to be cheated on cause its part of the plan. If that makes him happy to be your friend, even if you dont have to chance with him, its okay, help him

After work, Morgan came to take you home by walking. You clean the left over tables and other stuff before closing the shop. The store was strong with buyers of the cafe. It did help a lot, recieving more money every single day did help you and Haley a lot.

Haley proposed to her girlfriend and thet almost going to get married, of course, you and Morgan are invited over. She even told you, you'll be the aunt of their future baby.
You grab your bag and closed the shop. It was a beautiful day you must say. You waited outside for Morgan. "Sugar!" Someone called you and it was very familiar. "Morgan!!" You run up to him giving him a tight hug.

He grabs your hand and start to walk back to his house. "Sooo how's your day?" He ask "Oh, its okay! The shop is pretty got a big sales today" You replied as walking beside Morgan, he nods and looking around "How about you? Hows yours?"

"Its was okay, I can say that it did get pretty well, Movie was okay, I've met other casts.. sooo... it's pretty okay" he replied, you smiled understanding what he meant "Soooo you met other cast? What movie are you in, anyways? You haven't tell me yet!" You replied "Itsssss a horror movie... and my character is... going to be ded.. if you know what I mean?" You laugh "Of course! If your character, speacially yours! I'll cry!" You replied, he gave you a laugh.

You were 29 minutes away from his house and you felt a tiny drop of water ok your head, you look up to the skies and it was pretty... dark. "Is it going to rain?" You ask Morgan "Not until 5?" You look at the time "...Shoot...." you say and you grab his hand and started to walk fast like running, more drops came by, but you and Morgan hoped that it isnt going to rain! You keep holding onto Morgan still running and you grab him

You and Morgan stopped by a shelter and just waited for the rain to stop. You cross your arms and upset you got run through he rain, he grabs your waist "Cheer up! It's not even that serious" you rolled your eyes "Were going to miss a movie!" You say "So? We can always finish it together sometimes? Maybeeee you can visit me to the studio next week?" He says, it made you feel better but you weren't sure.

"Okaaaay... but... this rain give the heck out of me" he gave you a laugh and pulled out his phone and started to play music by Ed Sheeran 'Perfect' you remember playing that music everytime when your in love with someone but it was within the past.

He pulls you towards him "Shall we dance? Your highness?" He ask politely and you smiled as he grabs you waist, your hands wondered around his neck as watching his eyes, "Yes... we shall" you replied and you both starts to sway as waiting the rain to stop, you keep thinking if he really likes you or not. You dont wanna assume but your feeling just... keep coming back.

I'm sorry for not posting! I'm really busy with school today but I do appreciate the votes cause it will keep me motivated making some more stories! Th1ank you for waiting! This is a bit shorter but still Love you all!.

Morgan Davies x Reader!!Where stories live. Discover now