Welcome Home Balloon

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" Are you sure this is going to be ok, OJ? "

Two people sat in a cramped room. That room reeked of an old basement, With the smell of a putrid mildewy stench filling one of the two's lungs. The terrible tension would crawl up the back up of one of them, the person being named Balloon. And the other across from Balloon is presumably named OJ.

" It's fine, Balloon. Besides, the anniversary of the show is in a month and I want everyone to be present. Would be a shame if we had people missing. "

OJ held a packet of papers, shuffling through them before slipping out a sheet of paper and sliding it over to Balloon, lending them a pen. Balloon frowned, still unsure, and seemed rather hesitant to continue forward with their actions. OJ although, gave Balloon a faint smile, awaiting for Balloon to write their signature. Balloon glanced up at OJ and returned the smile, a crooked, nervous one at that. Their smile dropped as they wrote their name onto the thin line of the paper.
OJ stood up and slid the paper back over to him, putting it on top of the papers he had piled up and holding out his hand to Balloon. Balloon gave him an unsteady stare before shaking his hand with a weak grip.

" Welcome back Balloon, you can gather your stuff, I'll wait for you in the car. "

OJ spoke up, grabbed his belongings, and stepped out of the dimly lit room. Balloon took a moment to take in what was happening. It hadn't seemed real, the whole thing felt like a dream. They didn't want to waste time, so snapping out of their trance they stood up and began to pack their bags, not much to collect and gather anyways. They were just glad to leave this shit-hole and to live in an actual place.


The radio would static through different stations before settling on a song that was slow and drained. The static is still faintly over the music.
Balloon stared out the window as their bag was on their lap, hugging it closely to their chest.

" .. What about the others? Do you think they're ok with this? "

Balloon looked over to OJ for an answer. Although OJ took his time to respond. He cleared his throat.

" It's going to be fine. "

He answered bluntly.
Balloon didn't like that response very much.

" .. Is.. Mephone4 gonna be at the party? "

" We don't know where he is. "

OJ answered quickly, This catching Balloon off guard.

" Wait— you mean- he's gone? Like nowhere? you haven't even called him or-? "

" Nope, no clue where he is. Almost like he ran away. We tried to call him, but his contact was just— gone. Just like that. It's like he disappeared from the surface of the earth. "


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