Strange Building

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my eyes burn


The faint steps beneath the hardwood floor boards awoken the balloon.
Balloon sat up, blankets rolling off their shoulders and onto their lap. Hands slowly cradling their face as they rubbed their sunken eyes with their cold palms.
They listened closely to the voices that echoed from beneath their floor. Eyes trailing off the bed, and onto the floor. They listened.
To the different tones. To the different sources the voices came from.
It was the closest they have ever had to listening to others talk without being screamed at to leave for being in the same room as them.
Although it was comforting, at the same time it had stung. Something arising in their chest, with the sharp pain of guilt and anger. Jealousy. They ignored the feeling, pushing it down with everything they could as they threw their legs over to the side of the bed, and carried their body to the window that let in a stinging breeze. Staring outside the glass window. They saw the white blanket cover the once green ground. As if it was icing on cake. Their hot breath created fog against the glass, hand pressed softly to feel the bitter coldness that was let in from the outside's dreadful temperature.
Balloon tapped a finger against the window before trailing back at their bag that lay lazily against the floor. Picking up their feet they grabbed a rather baggy hoodie, yet snug once it was placed over their arms.
A walk through the snow could ease this depressing feeling that ached their heart.
Balloon stepped through their door and made their way down the stairs.
Quickly glancing at Pickle's door, before shivering and carried on.

Making their way to the lobby, they saw a few of the hotel residents sitting around the couch, talking, drinking their warm beverages, etc. Balloon felt that jealousy ride up their back once again. That disgusting feeling. Balloon shook their head and stared at the coat rack next to the door.

' Better grab a coat, I don't think this hoodie will do anything with the cold. ' They thought to themselves, grabbing a coat off the standing rack as it tilted. Placing the coat over their body, they walked outside and shut the door with a small click.

" What in the hell are they doing outside 5 in the morning? " Murmured Paintbrush.

" They're practically wishing their fingers to fall off, did you see how thick the snow was? " Replied Pickle with a sneer.

Balloon was met with a painful wind breathing onto their face. Snowflakes kissed their nose as they stepped into the deep snow with difficulty.
The hard shuffle, and trial that they made to get through the snow slowly got easier once they moved away from the hotel, and close to the trees in the distant.
They felt the cold air tickle their skin. That feeling of dread was replaced by numbing pain from the cold. Snow digging into their boots and dampening their socks. They shuttered a whine, yet continued to walk. The only thing they wanted to feel anymore was that numbing pain. It was the only sense of feeling they grew comfortable with. The only thing they felt familiar to.
They inhaled deeply only to be met with the air freezing their lungs like a pack of cigarettes that were icicles.

While walking they suddenly stepped down on a hard surface. This caught them off guard. Looking down and lifting their foot up, they expected a rock or at least a skull of an animal. Yet was met with a grey concrete plate. Tilting their head, they looked up and saw a rather small building. The size of what could be a shed but also a garage. Abandoned from what they could guess. With the broken windows, the brick wall from the side crumbled. Like the building could plummet at any moment.

They slowly walked forward

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They slowly walked forward. Squinting and stares at the entrance they stood at. Looking inside. Only to see glass scattered across the floor as well as graffiti covering the walls inside. They were hesitant to walk in.
Something about the building was alluring. It was almost calling them in.
And so they did. Walking in, there was only small light from the broken windows and the large wall that was taken down from the side. Turning the corner, they saw that some sections of the ceiling were crumpled as well, but only a smidge. Snow falling in and melting as it hit the hard stone floor. It was quiet. Yet so loud. The steps they would take would echo along the walls. And the inside wasn't so bad, sure, it was dirty. But something about it was like a welcoming hug, at least to them. They continued to look around before jolting their body away as they looked down to see a large bear trap, the teeth of the trap was wide open. Waiting for its food. Baring its teeth like a shark. Balloon let out a shaky laugh. They were just glad they didn't lose an ankle and paid attention.

They soon dragged their attention to a wall. A wall beside them. They felt their stomach twist at the sight of something attached to the wall. A chain. A cuff attached to the bottom of the chain.

Something about the building no longer felt safe. And felt something staring at them. They decided to back out and ran out of the building. Freaking themselves out as they shuttered. Dusting themselves off like they left a filthy room filled with gross filthy people. They cringed and shook their head, looking back at the hotel. Stepping inside and closed it from behind. Still wondering as to what they saw.

" Balloon! " a voice rung out.
Balloon flinched and turned around to see Suitcase looking worried.

" Why were you out there? It's freezing! You could've gotten frost bite! Let me see your fingers— are you ok? You could've gotten sick. " The girl frowned, holding Balloon's palms with a frown and cupped them in between her metal hands.
Balloon stared at her with a wild expression.

" I'm fine— promise I'm ok- " Balloon recoiled at the touch, retreating away from her hands and hid their hands in the coat pockets.

" Well , still, I was worried about you.. and look at your face! It's all red, oh if you get a fever.. " Suitcase touched her lips in fear.

" Suitcase- Please.. I promise I'm ok- I was just looking around.. but.. " Balloon took off the coat and set it on the rack.
" I found something really weird— "

Suitcase paused on her worried rambling, her attention caught.
" Oh? What? "

" .. Have.. Have there been other buildings around before the hotel was made? "

This question caught her off guard, looking at them as if they just spoke in tongues.
" .. uhm. I don't believe so? Why? "
Balloon began to speak, but a small voice was screaming in the back of their head.


Balloon blinked before shaking their head.
" ..You know what? Forget it, I'm hungry! Is there any soup? " Balloon plastered a smile over their face.
Suitcase slowly nodded.

" Yeah- actually, we made some yesterday dinner, want some? "

" Yes! God— I'm starving.. " Balloon chuckled, Suitcase copied.

" Well hope you have enough room for tonight after you eat. OJ's gonna make some tacos later on. If you would like to join us? Hm? "

" You know what? I'd like that. "


hey guys sorry for the wait I went to prison because I threw a hot honey bun at a homeless guy

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