Mrs Kavya Adhi Pradhan

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kavya slowly opened her eyes and found her self not in her room it was a new place and kavya was scared if shubham has married her when she was not in her senses.. she heard foot steps and tried to hide but to her surprise it was adhi.. "goodmorning kavya, slept enough?" asked adhi and sat down beside her with a plate full of fruits.. " eat now see you have become so thin" said him feeding her.. kavya was unable to process anything but was definitely relieved seeing adhi.. she hugged him and pleaded him to take her away, adhi patted her back and spoke in her ears you are safe now Mrs Kavya pradhan, said adhi giving the second shock of her life .. kavya looked at adhi and touched her forehead which was filled with sindoor and mangalsutra in her neck.. what happened, what am I not aware of? asked kavya.. "shshhhh kavya relax, I will tell you everything, but first of all I am sorry I didnt ask you before doing all the rituals but It was circumstantial if I have not done that I could have not saved you from that psycho shubham said adhi while kavya was still in his arms.. kavya took a deep breath and relaxed her head on adhis chest. adhi felt good seeing that kavya was not angry... he held her like a baby and calmed her down with silence.. after sometime adhi slowly called her name, "kavya you okay?" kavya noded positively in his embrace, dont you want to know how we got married?" asked him.. but instead of asking how kavya questioned that where are they?
adhi was happy seeing kavya comfortable with him and took a deep breath of relief.. "we are in our bedroom" said adhi kavya looked at him with frowned eyebrows, "its your sasural" he said kavya sat upright "what?its your home?" asked her "yess bahu rani now get ready as maa is coming to meet you" said adhi.. kavya got scared and looked around "relax kavya.. maa is coming, not your village people" said adhi "adhi we are married now?" asked kavya inncently. adhi nodded yes "Its you home my sasural?" adhi nodded yes " your mom is coming to see me?" adhi nodded yes 

kavya forgot her leg fracture and tried to get up.. "ohh hello mrs pradhan you need to take rest you are still not allowed to get off your bed.." said adhi.. kavya had lots of questions going on in her mind when senior Mrs pradhan entered the room. "adhi how is kavya now?" asked her, kavya recalled seeing her with Mrs Sahani oitside adhis room at campus, and greeted her as anty "call me maa, adhi calls me the same" said Mrs Pradhan keeping her hand on kavyas head. kavya tried to touch her feets bending down but Mrs pradhan stopped her," you take rest, I just came to see my son's wife " said her smiling, kavya also smiled hesitatingly.. " whats this you have not even fed her properly adhi" scolded his mother.. "I will maa" said adhi and picked up the plate.. his mother left after making sure everything is there in room and calling out the maid for kavya's help.. adhi sat in front of kavya and resumed feeding her.. kavya looked at adhi, "Adhi are you sure?" asked kavya.. "regarding what?" aksed adhi.." regarding us?" asked kavya. Adhi smiled and gave a quick peck on her cheek surprising kavya and leaving her blushing, "did you feel disgusted?" asked him kavya nodded no"did you like it?" asked adhi kavya blushed and hid in his embrace, "see if you are confortable and happy then I am sure we will make a beautiful couple" said him.. adhi tucked her head behind  her ears exposing her cheek bent down his chin to plant another soft kiss which he has always imagined but kavya got up leaving adhi waiting.. "adhi now tell me what all happened, what hallend to shubham my parents my villagers" asked kavya, adhi pulled kavya towards him while falling back on bed making her to fall on his chest " hmm so lets start from when you passed out"
flashback Adhis POV

i called my mom informing about the issue she enquired the details of your village and asked me to go behind you, when I reached your home and entered through window you were about to fall down and I held you in my arms, that is when navya enetered the room she was about to shout seeing me when I requested her to listen to me first, i told her that we both are lovers and wanted to get married but shubham has brought her here.. Navya said so that is why didi wanted to do suicide and was so annoyed at you that you became so weak to decide that. then she asked me to marry you and take you away from her handed over sindoor and Mangalsutra and asked me to adorn you with it.. i initially refused but she said that it is the only way you can take her from here or else shubh will marry you either by hook or crook. so finally I had to agree and filled sindoor and made you wear mangalsutra while you were repeating my name again and again in your subconcious state. i took it as a positive sign and completed the ritual then your sister asked me to carry you out of the window.. she warned me that now I had to fight with the whole village if I want to take you away from there.. i somehow tried to escape taking you in my arms but soon shubham came in front and was taken a back seeing your hair line already filled and attacked me in anger, I somehow escaped and then suddenly my driver came with the car and asked me to get inside and brought us here completed adhi

kavya looked at adhi worried, "what if shubham comes behind us," asked her " we will see what we can do regarding it. " consolled adhi.. "but for now kavya lets take some rest, I feel so tired" said adhi puling her more in his embrace, slowly they both drifted off to sleep

but still there were many questions

what will happen now?

what will shubham do?

who is adhiraj pradhan actually

who is his father and where was kavya actually

and what will happen after all this incident?

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