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kavya and adhi woke up to noises coming from outside, kavya got tensed to hear group of people shouting outside as if they would tear down the whole building if they dont get what they want,

adhi tried to get up from the bed to inspect whats wrong but kavya held his shirt tight now allowing him to go leaving her alone, kavya felt helpless because of her fractured leg she felt like a handicap. Adhi asured her that he will be back and requested to let him go, kavya gave up and looked at him helplessly.. adhi ran outside to see,

adhi's mother came into the room hurriedly with a bag fullof clothes and money, handed over to kavya and helped her to sit on her wheelchair, "kavya beta listen to me carefully all these are your village people they somehow found out about you and adhi, they are thirsty of blood, its not safe to stay here, please for now go from here, our driver will take you out safely from backdoor"explained kavya's MIL, "adhi?" questioned kavya, "ofcourse he is coming with you" assured MIL.. "shyaam.! please take madam safely" instructed MIL to their elderly driver, "Maa.!" kavya called out of concern, she was feeling guilty that all this mess was created because of her and unnecessarily others are suffering.. while Adhi's mother came near her cupping her face with love "dont dare think that this is because of you, be brave and strong like you always do, take care of my Adhi too" requested her MIL.

kavya kept looking with concern towards her MIL till the driver took her away and she was no longer visible.

driver helped her sit in the car and opened the back gate and drove out, while kavya worriedly peeped outside as Adhi was still not seen, what if they harm Adhi thought kavya and felt restless uneasy, but to increase her fear, Adhi didn't turn up and car left too far from their home.. kavya was shattered and scared, what all happened in a day, shubham, adhi, his confession, their marriage, their few hours together and now this seperation and no news of Adhi.. what would she do if Adhi dont return to her?" thought her...

3 months later.....

kavya could walk again on her own feet, she was happy and looked at shyaam, "kaka see I am able to walk on my own now" showed kavya while shyaam smiled looking at her,

"lets go home, your Kaaki must be waiting" said shyaam and took Kavya home,

a young girl who was almost same age of her sister Navya came running excited "Kavya didi came walking" she screamed in excitement..kavya smiled and they both started twirling round holding each others arms laughing..
while a elderly female who happened to be shyaam's wife came out happily listening to their laughs, "jug jug jio" she blessed kavya seeing her playing on her feet, kavya took blessings from her, "mumy now its time for party" said the girl jumping in joy " hes sure why not our Kavya beta has recovered, we have got a genuine reason to party,we will eat something special" said shyaam, "chaya, we will prepare something good with our own hand and let them rest for a change" said kavya to the girl.. "good idea didi" said chaya and they both left from there happily..

shyaam looked at his wife with full of pride, "today I felt like dancing with our daughter maya" said shyaam with moist eyes, his wife cane near him and wiped his tears, if these are tears of joy then its okay, said her smiling...

kavya and chaya made special dishes for the family and served them.. everyone was happy and enjoying, they ate while playing antakshri and had lots of fun..

night time

kavya helped chaya in arranging the matresses for sleep on the terrace, while singing their favourite songs.. shyaam who was watching this from a distance smiled and continued repairing his table fan.

shyaams wife came with a glasses of milk and handed over to kavya chaya and the last glass for shyaam and sat beside him admiring the girls.

"kavya has completed our incomplete family" said her
shyaam noded positively with a smile "nazar utaarlena dono ki" said shyaam to his wife, making her smile..


everyone was asleep, kavya changed her sides and looked at the full moon... trying to find answers of her questions..

" where did you go Adhi?" asked her, she picked out the mangalsutra kept below her pillow and stared at her, I dont even remember you making me wear it" sobbed kavya silently.

and drifted off to sleep.. again the same old dream of all the flashbacks her parents their behaviour, shubham, villagers, adhi jhumki Mrs sahani adhi's mother, adhi declaring her as his wife, and then that noises and adhi leaving her and never returned back, leaving her crying alone when she was woken up by shyaam "kavya beta wake up, you are again seeing that night mare" said shyaam shaking her

kavya woke up and realised that it was a dream, she sat silently while tears rolled down her cheeks .. "kavya beta till when will you hide your pain, its okay move on go and continue your studies, accomplish your dream and forget everything like a bad dream" suggested shyaam recalling the incident when he return to adhi's home and was kicked out by his father and he gave him a last warning that if he is seen again near his house he will see his familiy's and kavya's dead bodies..

" kaaka if you and kaki were not there I dont know where would I go" said kavya, shyaam handed over a bus ticket to her IAS campus, "We wish you to resume your studies" said shyaam blessing her.. shyaam's wife came and sat beside kavya " kavya you gave us so much memories, you have fulfilled our deceased daughter's absence, we wanted to see her become an IAS too.. if you for a second considered us as parents do it for our sake complete you studies, do what our maya couldnt do" said kaaki with hopefull tears in her eyes, kavya nodded positively, "I will kaaki, you people loved me which my parents never did, I will do it for Maya didi for my kaka kaki" said a determined kavya..
shyaam, his wife and chaya waved at kavya while she looked out of the bus window smiling.. she took a deep breath while feeling nervous for returning to somewhere she left in the middle.

she remember shyaam and his wife telling her about their daughter who was an IAS aspirant and couldn't clear it even in her last attempt and did suicide due to depression,

she believed the people who gave her roof to live, love to heal and so many memories to smile deserves to get their wish fulifilled.

"let what ever happen, this kavya Bansal wont give up" she mumbled to her self.. she realised that getting a new family and love has given her new hopes which she never had..

what will happen now? where was adhi? why didnt he return..

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