The saviour

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Kavya made sandwiches and ate one while kept another for adhi,

adhi smiled at her gesture , and thanked god for finally giving this small precious moments with his wife.

adhi and kavya reached their office and was greeted by everyone, kavya was sweetly surprised to see her school principal waiting.. she greeted her and was so excited that her principal wanted her to attend their annual function so that she can become motivation for all students, kavya accepted the invitation and with lots of respect helped her principal till the car.. Adhi was happy seeing his wife's achievement.

the next day Kavya got ready for the annual function and asked Adhi if he is comming along, but Adhi refused and said that he will prefer to look after the office today so that she can enjoy her day, kavya thanked him and left..


At the office noon time, Adhi decided to take a break for lunch, he decided to explore the nearby shops for snacks as he was alone..

he was looking at the options to eat in a nearby halwai shop when he heard a girl calling for help, Adhi out of curosity looked out and shocked to see it was Navya follwed by some goons.. "Navya.!" he shouted turning her focus towards him navya ran into adhi and hid behind his back.. Adhi warned the goons to stay away, "Ae IAS dont come in our way or else we will cut you also into two pieces"said one of the goon.. "why are you behind her?" asked Adhi.. "None of your business" said the goon.. navya was frieghtened and told adhi that they were shubhams goon and were misbehaving with her as she refused to marry him.. Adhi looked at the goon leader and advised him to go back leaving Navya or else it wont be good.. The goons were very stubborn and started coming forward, Adhi picked up the frying kabgeer from the halwai shop and started hitting the goons, fight started as they were very strong and 5 in number Adhi was severely injured.. Halwai who was watching and listening to all the conversation stepped in with his workers and helped adhi in fight.. finally the goons left.. Adhi thanked them and took Navya with him to the cottage...

evening time

Navya returned home happy and content after a nostalgic day, but was greeted with a shock.. navya and adhi all injured and their clothes soaked in blood.. Navya rushed to kavya and hugged her telling all the story.. kavya calmed her down and took her for shower..


after a while

Adhi in his room was struggling with removing his shirt as his shoulder was aching, he felt someone helping him and ofcourse who else could it be but his beloved wife, kavya carefully removed the shirt and examined him and his wounds, while adhi gave in, and didn't resist neither said a word.. kavya made him sit gave a pain killer tablet and cleaned all the wounds dressed them gently.. her concern grew when she saw a big cut mark near the neck.. she tried to clean it but adhi was wincing in pain "Adhi bas hogaya just two minutes" said her but he was agonised due to pain..kavya couldnt see him suffering so much in pain and hugged him crying.. Adhi calmed down, it was a very much needed hug.. Adhi closed his eyes as he felt soothing because of the closeness.. he slowly forwarded his hand to complete the hug but his shoulder didnt allow him and he winced in pain bringing kavya back to her senses.. "Adhi sorry sorry" appologised Kavya.."arey nahi baba its not because of you, i just tried to lift my hand"explained adhi.. kavya resumed her dressing of wounds, while Adhi tried to be patient. after a long time they were so close and for a long time and their longing for each other played its magic, they were attracted to each other more adhi took the first step and tried to kiss kavya for which even kavya didnt refuse but before anything could have happened the door bell rang bringing them back to their senses..


two police officers came to take Navya's statement as kavya called them.. navya narrated the whole incident from where it started

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