Chapter III - The Night Market

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The head maid, who had been watching my every move, gives me a stern look before yelling at me yet again,

"Useless girl, you walk like a fool; how dare you serve drinks to the guests like that? Do you have no shame?"

I wait patiently for her to finish her tirade, keeping my gaze low and my expression remorseful

"After the mission, I'm surely assassinating her next; what a nuisance"

The head maid notices the dusty hallway.

"Didn't I tell you to clean this up!?"

"No, ma'am, you di-" Before I can finish, she cuts me off

"what are you doing?! Get back to work and clean up this mess."

The head maid yells and storms off with a huff. She suddenly stops, turning to face me with a malicious smile.

"on second thought, after you finish sweeping the halls, I want you to head into the night market and buy a single carrot."

I look at her, confused

"A single carrot? now, at night?" I questioned.

She scowls at me. "Ungrateful child, I could have you thrown out into the streets, yet by the kindness of my heart, I'm letting you stay here, and you can't even go buy me a carrot?"

The head maid says with a fake sadness, her eyes glinting with a hidden malice.

"I expect the carrot to be delivered to the kitchen immediately."

With that, she walks away, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she walks into her chambers, leaving me alone with a broom in the dark, cold, lonely hallway.
I start sweeping the endless halls, my stolen maid uniform feeling heavy and suffocating.

"How could anyone wear this?"

As I sweep, the sound of my footsteps and the swish of the broom seem to reverberate through the empty corridors, haunting the castle with a melancholic echo.
Soon I am outside. Alone in the night, the moon casts long shadows as I make my way towards the night market. A long hooded cloak is draped over me, concealing my identity. The air is chilly, and the wind whispers secrets as I navigate the dark streets. I reach the night markets and am surrounded by stalls filled with vibrant colours and intoxicating scents, fabric, fruits, and foreign luxuries. I walk towards a stall selling vegetables and spot a vendor with an array of fresh produce.

"Hello there, stranger, what can I get for you today?" A gruff voice belonging to the vendor calls out. In a hushed tone, I respond,

"I seek but a single carrot, good sir."

The vendor raises an eyebrow at my request, his eyes scanning me suspiciously.
I open a small pouch filled with coins and hand him three gold coins.

"I would like my carrot now, sir." I declare to the vendor.

He snaps out of his daze
"Certainly, here you are, Miss" He hands me a single carrot.

I walk away from the stall and head deeper into the market. The moonlight shines, illuminating the cobblestone pathway. As I navigate through the dense markets, the stalls slowly start to fade away and I find myself in a dark alleyway, I look around, making sure there are no prying eyes. I slowly remove a loose stone. I place a wax-sealed letter stamped with the image of a single foxglove flower, inside then place the stone back and slowly start walking away.
As I walk through a secluded area, heading back from the night markets. Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around to find a cloaked figure standing there.

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