Chapter VI - An Unexpected Turn Of Events

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Avalaline's POV:


I am pacing around my chambers, fuming at the head maid. 


I start plotting how I am going to kill her. 

"Should I skin her alive? Break all her bones? Mutilate her fingers and make her eat them as she screams in pain?"

A sadistic chuckle escapes my lips as I imagine the torment I'm going to put her through. 

"I can't decide; I'll just do them all."

The window to my bed chamber flings open as a gust of wind howls through the room, extinguishing the candles and casting eerie shadows across the walls. I roll my eyes and scoff at the dramatic entrance.

"What do you want, Shadow?"

A tall figure appears in front of me. The figure is dressed in an all-black suit with a mask, his golden eyes piercing into my soul. His black-gloved hands remove the mask covering his lower face, revealing an annoying smile.

 "Hey Shadow, it's so nice to see you. I'm so glad you came."

 He mocks me in a high-pitched tone,  "Why yes, Avalaline, I know it's always amazing to see such an amazing person like me."

"You're the most annoying assassin I've ever encountered," I reply with a scowl.

He looks at me, hurt. "How could you say such a thing?" Shadow replies, acting overly dramatic.

I roll my eyes at him. "Why are you even here?"

His demeanour changes to a serious one. "I heard you had a messy encounter with an assassin, at the night markets."


"So, he was a part of Foxglove and you almost jeopardized the mission, because of that, I'm assigning you a partner to ensure that you don't mess up again," Shadow says, eyeing me with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"You can't be serious, I'm the best assassin in Foxglove, I don't need a partner" I scoff.

"Oh I'm dead serious," Shadow replies with a smirk, "and your partner will arrive shortly." Just as Shadow finishes his sentence, a hooded figure enters closing the window behind him.

The hooded figure removes their cloak, revealing the same man from earlier his piercing blue eyes glare at me.

I look at Shadow shocked. "How is he still alive, I swear I killed him"

"body armour, sweetheart," the hooded figure says with a smirk.

"Oldest trick in the book, I'm surprised you fell for it, I guess even the "best" assassin in Foxglove makes mistakes," Shadow says mockingly "Well I guess I'll leave you two to the mission," Shadow says and then with a flick of his wrist, he disappears, leaving me alone with my "partner."

The room fell silent as the tension between us hung heavy in the air.

"So I never caught your name," I say, breaking the silence.

The hooded figure looks at me with a hint of amusement on his face and responds, 

"Call me Demetrius."

Author's note
Plot twist much, I love Shadow's personality he's so cool 😎 but Demetrius he's so chill for a guy who almost got killed by our dangerously amazing main character, I mean who doesn't like Avalaline?

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