In The Midst of Battle

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The captain and the officers around him cowered in oblique fear. "Raise your spears! They would not spend more cannon balls would they!? So, ready up to defend this position! It's vital my soldiers!" Cried the captain.

With haste, the soldiers immediately went to the fallen down carriages to get their rather heavy shields, for as it used a more defined type of metal that is not commonly used for armor.

A team of medics was too sent to the prince by the captain's orders. "Bring him far away from here, the king would desire it so." The medics nodded and left the scene with haste.

If the reader questions the appearance of these 'rebels', they are smaller than the monsters of the kingdom and more or less, dumber looking too. Though these 'rebels' come from the Dumarian kingdom, they do not fit the like of a Dumarian. A citizen of the kingdom does not display the same dumbness that these rebels have but they are still of the same size.

The captain looked in distress and already exhausted. How many cannon balls are they surrendering in this one battle? Thought the captain. It was both simple and not simple a question to answer. For as it could be that they simply steal these iron balls or that they actually forced civilians to work in the mines as well as making them.

The monsters in the first line readied their spears in their attack stance as the rebels neared ever closer. "Gruden puts abenid!" Cried the rebels to the monsters. For as the monsters did not understand these words, they interpreted them as threats and cried their most haunting howls towards them.

"Attack!" Yelled the captain.

Immediately, the monsters lunged their spears in a manner so unbelievably fast and so unbelievably strong that even the iron armor that the rebels wore was pierced like butter!

The captain ordered his troops to head to the fallen storage carriages to carry the heavy cannons that were stored in the, for positioning. After the cannons were brought as close as they could to the battlefield and too loaded. The captain shouted, "Shoot!" Three heavy cannons fired their shot at the massive crowd of rebels.

This inconceivable force rendered the front lines of the formation of their enemies rather defenseless and vulnerable. With haste, the captain ordered his troops to immediately take action and forward their spears into the hole that was the rebels supposed 'hearts'.

Soon after. The enemies dispersed for as their numbers ran ever low each time the captain repeated the same strategy over and over again till there was only twenty or so monsters from the hundreds that were.

"They are going to come back some time soon, these guys are many in numbers that even the actual Dumarians have troubles with them. But for now, since their numbers have culled, we shall... CHARGE!"

At haste, the captain and his soldiers charged the lines with their spears aimed low and thirsting blood. Of the hundred soldiers, twenty-five each were sent to the sides and fifty on the middle as to which the captain charged with. He also, before the divergence, assigned the superior officers to guide their group.

It was an unrivaled attack that the 'rebels' could not fight back against. Their dumbness got the hold of them and they began recklessly fighting (if they weren't already doing so) both their comrades and the monsters.

It was majestic for the captain; he did not need to command anymore in a battle so one-sided. But this battle had one issue that concerned the captain after realizing it for mere seconds. The cannons. They were still firing them in intervals of five minutes or so and were hitting major lines (though it killed both monsters and rebels in its shooting). The captain needed a plan to stop these cannons from firing anymore at his soldiers! But alas, the captain thought a rather dumb and stupid plan.

First, he spoke to a messenger who was nearby him, "Do we have archers in the brigade?"

"Yes, captain. But they are in the side lines acting as support. Does the captain need the archers?"

"Yes, bring me ten or so. I do not know how many archers there are."

The messenger nodded and hurried out.

For as the cannons were firing behind big boulders just toward this battle, and for as his soldiers had already wrecked half the frontlines, he needed the archers to cover his men of which would be doing a frontal assault towards the cannons. He belated his plan towards his soldiers. Most said it be treacherous plan but no-one can ever object a captain, right?

Just when the captain was about to command to attack, a deafening barrier of sound blasted the eastern side of the battle which much strength. "Messenger! What was that!?" Exclaimed the captain whilst he still covered his upper body with his iron shield.

"They're relaying messages, we must wait captain."

The captain seemed irritated but turned round to spot the mountain's boulders as to which were where the cannons were. To the captain's surprise however. The cannons were not firing their cannonballs. "They have stopped their blasting of cannons I see. It must not be them who enacted that deafening noise. The Dumarians maybe? But we are rather far away from the frontlines..." said the captain under his breath. The messenger was, after the captain said such, brought a paper.

"You most undoubtedly are right dear captain," said the messenger. "It is the Dumarians. They have come to help us."

"Are we not at war with them? Are we not now?"

"Well, it is difficult to say that we are friends or enemies, to be frank, even our enemies know not."

"The Suga!" Exclaimed the captain. "Isn't he supposed to be the peace officer? Has he learned their language yet?"

"It seems not captain. We have not even reached a day in our travel to the frontlines. It is scheduled that the 'learning' happens on the third day as to which our servants are not exactly in the greatest of shapes, captain."

"I do not understand why the prince needs to be the peace officer when the servants of the kingdom could do it, and need not more time on teaching a prince." Mumbled the captain. The messenger was once again brought a paper per telling the eastern side.

"It seems, captain, that we have won this battle."

"What?! The Dumarians made them falter?" He turned to his east. "That is unbelievable."

"It too seems that they are not going to fight us—"

"Are you sure those were Dumarians? Did you check their armor? Their stature, face? Were they of a Dumarian and not whatever we were fighting earlier?" Interrupted the captain.

"That I do not know captain, the letter pertains nothing of the fact."

The captain acknowledged it and walked way out this conversation. He commanded his soldiers to form a box formation. "We are assessing for survivors, most especially of the noble rank." After the captain said as such, the soldiers immediately did their duty.

From the east, the west, and the most broken of carriages, they checked every place there was to check. They found however one survivor when they checked the front carriage, "his majesty the prince! We found him! He's unconscious!"

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