Prince of The Farlands

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The prince's face was most dirty and rough, his body limp and weak, his royalty is in danger. The captain knew that a fact for as after he got informed of the news, he immediately cried out the medics for help.

Every antidote, medicine, vaccine, bandage, and what so ever, the medics brought. It was customary to bring everything when a monster of blue blood falls ill or is severely hurt in battle or from accidents. The medics also brought a movable bed that was lighter than normal beds and put the prince onto it for carrying onto a safer environment.

"How's the prince?" Questioned the captain to the medics.

"He is alright, in a way alright, though we might need to deviate to a close city or town to get some actual medical supplies that will last. We have already used half of what we have on our soldiers, so we need to make a deviation, captain."

"Are you prepared to walk, medic?"

"Walk? Captain?" Questioned the medic, he stopped what he was doing to look at him.

"Yes, walk. We have only twelve from the fifty or so carriages that we had. Some of our soldiers need to walk and some of the medics too." He took a deep sigh. "My soldiers are also searching for any supplies we could take along the way. Good thing we were built for walking."

The medic's already exhausted face turned even more so after the fact. The captain walked away to his soldiers who were carrying all the equipment needed, into the carriages that were still standing.

The battlefield was rather cold, but the cannons that fired at the carriages made things bits hot for as it was not extinguished for the longest time, and because of that, ash, spread all over. For ones wondering, no, the monsters weren't made of wood despite looking like it.

Mere seconds after the captain left, walking, the prince awoke from his sleep. "The prince has awoken!" Cried the medics.

At haste, every servant, noble, however pained they were with their injuries, as well as the captain, came to the medical carriage.

The servants cried, "oh! My dear prince, I am sorry I hath not protected you, what must I do for the prince, oh dear forgive I!" And the nobles, "dear prince! We too are sorry; we demand of you for us to be reprimanded for not helping thee the prince!" However, the captain, "prince! Are you okay?" He actually was going to be held accountable for the prince's injuries he only needed his health and if he was going to die because of it.

"I am alright, captain. And no, I need not to reprimand you," he pointed at the nobles. "And no, I do not need for thyself to do anything for me." Said the prince whilst sighing the whole time.

He gestured to the nobles and servants to go away, he needed to talk to the captain. "Captain, what has happened? The air is cold, yes, but the world outside is full of... Full of.... Ash?"

"Don't mind it prince, we're here to protect you."

"Protect? I do not think I won't mind it."

"Prince," he sighed. "A group of rebels, the Kusabara, attacked us. Thankfully, the Dumarians came to help us."

"Dumarians? Aren't we at war with them? Wait... No... The Suga. Did he do this? No wait, he hasn't even learned the language yet. How? Why?"

"That we do not know, but we do know that you just awoke and that you, prince, need rest."

"You address the prince of a kingdom with such slack and informality, captain. But... I will forgive it."

The prince then acknowledged the captain's order and took rest in his bed. But he did not close his large eyes. After, the captain went out of the carriage, exhausted yes, but he finally had time to rest for as there was no more battle left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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