chapter 2

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Zenande's POV

Same old ,same old my mornings never change ,it's Tuesday today my alarm starts making noise on the nightstand time to go chase this money

I wake up take a bath today just need some soothing honestly
Unlucky me this stalled my time even more I finish 45 minutes later

Yep you guessed it I'm late

Im not panicking but I'm a bit worried ohh and dissappointed but I needed the bath ,I walk to my closet and choose my scotch two piece outfit and a peach polo neck with my glass slip on heels  I style my installation and gloss my lips and walk down it's time for breakfast

Im not panicking but I'm a bit worried ohh and dissappointed but I needed the bath ,I walk to my closet and choose my scotch two piece outfit and a peach polo neck with my glass slip on heels  I style my installation and gloss my lips and walk dow...

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I grab an apple instead I'm just going to grab some coffee at Starbucks at the Canal walk
I drive into the parking lot and start walking towards Starbucks I usually come here Thursdays every morning but then why not Tuesday too ?

I walk into the store it's not packed ,there's 4 people Infront of me in the line ,I wait a bit and finally it's my turn the lady just glanced at me mouth wide open ,I clear my throat

Me:"heyyy can I please have a creamy vanilla latte"

That's better than the coffee I'm thinking about

Lady:"sorry ma'am we are short on vanilla there's some toffee "

Ewwww no


I'm cut off by someone speaking next to me

Voice "umm I came to get the usual vanilla latte"

The lady says nothing she just goes to fetch the latte and give it to the guy next to me ,I can't see his face since he's on a call and I can't get a neat view of him

Me:"umm why is it that he's getting it but last I heard it was out of stock "

The nigga chuckles a bit

Lady:"he ordered "

Man:"maybe that's an option for other people not you "

I roll my eyes and just decide not to look at this person ,

Me:"now that's not being fair I've been waiting for so long here "

Man he chuckles again

Me:"do we have--"

I turn to look at him and stop in my tracks when I look at him ,my heart starts beating fast butterflies wake up in my stomach and the wounds come back

He looks at me shocked but also a bit uncomfortable as if I care
Nkosiyabo'ngcobo my biggest heartbreak never been able to move on or love a guy


Me:"hey and bye "

I take my latte and walk to the door ,the anger I had for him starts clouding me
What a day gone wrong

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