chapter 8

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Anele's POV

Officer:"Anele Mchunu you are under arrest for the assault of miss Charlene Withers and trespassing on unwanted premises"

Yep the bitch did press charges against me ,the time is 8am in the morning I was that important huh I'm pretty sure I'm the first arrested person for the day

The wine is still working its way within me

Officer:"anything you say will be used---"

I put my hands on his lips

Me:"cuff me will you?"

I'm so not interested at all ,I just need the jail bed and the pillow imma see everything else later
They cuff me and I get inside the van,my bodyguards know who to call

Zenande's POV


Me:"uggggh really?"

Nkosi:"answer the phone "

I hate it when my sleep is disturbed I don't even check the caller id

Voice:"Anele was arrested "

Me:"what!!!!when ?and most importantly why?"

All sleep is gone manje ,my girl is in trouble I look at the caller id

Michelle:"I'm on the way to the police station"

Me:"you in cape town?"

Michelle:"nope she was arrested in Joburg"

Me:"for what?"

Michelle:"something about assault sizozwa ngaye kodwa "

Me:"okay give me a couple of hours "

I hang up the call and nkosi is already looking at me with curious eyes

Me:"Anele was arrested I need to be in Joburg "

Nkosi:"right now?"

Me:"bathong she got arrested right now naye so I need to go there "

Nkosi:'okay let me call some people just help her "

Me:"what do you mean call some people ?"

Nkosi:"I'm going to help her out ,you can't be telling you leaving cape town to represent someone in Gauteng "

Me:"well I'm going there she needs me "

Nkos:"we are going to take the private jet my love "

Me:"really?you would do that for me?"

Nkosi:"the case or the jet?"

Me:"both ,come let's go shower "

How rich is this man ? He owns a fuckin private jet
We take an innocent shower together wrap a towel around my body ,him around his waist

Me:"come let's make the bed together"

Nkosi:"was hoping to avoid that "

Me:"uyahlanya come let's do it "

This one is lazy by nature I can see we make the bed ,goofing around during the whole process
He helps me choose an outfit for today ,green pants and shirt I lay my installation and top the look off with my red bottoms

This one is lazy by nature I can see we make the bed ,goofing around during the whole process He helps me choose an outfit for today ,green pants and shirt I lay my installation and top the look off with my red bottoms

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