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    JI-YOON'S body felt shut down, as if someone had flipped off her senses. Though she tried to speak, all that came out were ashes- despite the whirling fire of emotions in her chest. Her limbs felt like jelly, despite how hard she was trying to move. She was, in all ways, numb.

'What's happening?'

'Where am I?!'

Finally, Ji-yoon opened her eyes, squinting from the sun. Her eyelashes acted like delicate curtains, fluttering ever so elegantly as her eyes adjusted to the bright light.

The room she opened her eyes to was small but delicate, elegant enough that it would cost a fortune in Ji-yoon's world.

'My head is killing me right now...'

Ji-yoon forced herself to get up, walking over to the nearest mirror to check in on what level of mess she looked like.

Ji-yoon's eyes widened as she looked at herself.

'These luscious pearl white locks...

This thin, dainty body and pale skin...

Not to mention the innocent blue eyes...'

Ji-yoon gasped.


Ji-yoon's hands shook as she cupped her cheeks, her mouth hung open in awe and fear.

"No, no, nonono..."


Ji-yoon is stuck in the body of Rashta, the antagonist of The Remarried Empress (aka the best webtoon ever and you can fight her on it)


She is most likely in the palace after Sovieshi- Emperor Sovieshu saved her from a trap.


Meaning, she was probably at the point where she has to meet Empress Navier at the garden.


"Okay... okay, I'm not dreaming. But I suppose this isn't too bad..." Ji-yoon thought aloud. "I get an emperor to protect me and I get to eat delicious royal food. It's definitely better than my last life..."

Choi Ji-yoon can handle reincarnation. She can do this.


Ji-yoon groaned as she finally made it to the castle garden, falling dramatically on the grass. "Uwa... my legs ache..." She rubbed her knee as she sat up, her legs feeling more like jelly than limbs.

"Is that her?"

"I think so..."

Ji-yoon looked up, noticing two beautiful young women staring at her. One had curled light-blue hair, an intricate poofy dress and was holding an elegant lace parasol. The other had short wavy brown hair and a simpler dress.

"Oh!" Ji-yoon stared at herself. "I, uh..."

"Ah, I'm Valerie and this is Verona." Valerie introduced, unable to not be polite. Verona just stared at her, as if she was a museum artifact.

Ji-yoon could tell they were judging her. She knew all too well the cruel faces and stares people made when back talking, which led to her to hate being in social situations. Nevertheless, Ji-yoon had to make acquaintances so she had people to be by her side, unlike Rashta.

The blancette rose to her feet, dusting off her fluffy blue dress. She averted eye contact. "...hello. I'm Choi Ji- I MEAN, Rashta! I'm Rashta." Ji-yoon spluttered, quickly correcting her blunder.

Verona held a dainty hand to her lips, and judging by her face, Ji-yoon could tell she was a haughty person. "Well, Rashta, you're the runaway slave who's caught the attention of the emperor?" The blue-haired lady said bluntly, walking up to Rashta and eyeing her up and down.

Valerie scoffed. "Verona! His Majesty the emperor has already explained that Rashta was accidentally caught in his hunting traps." The brunette scolded her.

"Potato, potahto... that reminds me! Did you hear about Lady Amarone? Rumor has it she'll be in a court hearing along with her family for their vinery scandal! Something about scamming and such..." Verona blurted out.

"Really? Poor her. Oh! I heard that..."

'Is all they do is gossip? So boring...' She sighed, failing at masking her boredom until she heard a rustle. She quickly got up, trying to peek through the bushes to catch a glimpse of Her Majesty.

Ji-yoon's eyes sparkled in curiosity. Navier had silky, blonde hair that shined like gold in the sun. Her dress was simple yet extravagant, adorned with pearls. Compared to her, Rashta was just a speckle.

'I should talk to her.' Ji-yoon thought. Though she was determined, her inability to socialize was holding her back. 'What am I talking about?! I would be the last person she would want to see.'

She whipped her head back to the two ladies. "That's Navier, right?"

The two women stared in surprise at her use of the empress's first name.

'What... did I do? Why are they all staring at me?' Ji-yoon stared desperately hoping for a sign. "Oh! I meant, the empress! That's her, right?"

'That's so embarrassing...'

"Yes, but you mustn't disturb her. She can be... quite cold." Valerie warned her, talking in a cautious volume.

"I suppose..." Verona twirled her parasol, almost hitting Valerie. "But if you're able to join the inner circle, like myself, you'll see that our empress is simply professional, not rigid."

'That somehow did little to calm my nervousness.' "I..." Ji-yoon looked down. "I wanna introduce myself to her. I'm sure I've caused some trouble for her since Emperor Sovieshu took me in without telling her."

Despite the ladies warnings, she pushed through the bush, rustling until she was looking straight at Empress Navier.

Ji-yoon gasped softly, marveling at the beauty in front of her. Her mouth was agape. 'Why aren't words coming out of my mouth?!'

"...hello?" Navier said, sounding more like a statement than a question.

"Ah... hello, Your Majesty!" Ji-yoon said, freezing up like a doll. She was in front of THE Navier. 'I can't believe I'm face-to-face with the Navier!' "I'm Ji- Rashta."

Navier raised an eyebrow. "Hello, Rashta." She said rather nonchalantly.


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