Infinite Jaune

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3rd Person POV:

Right now, we see Pyrrha on the ground after being defeated by Jaune's 'sister', Jean. The reason why Pyrrha challenged Jean is that Pyrrha and the rest of her teammates wanted her gone. Due to Jaune being gone, Jean replaced him and she was the exact opposite of Jaune. In fact, she's like a female version of Cardin, minus the racist part.

Jean: Give up, Pyrrha. I'm your leader and nothing will change.

Pyrrha: You aren't my leader and you'll never will. You're just a spoiled brat like Weiss. You'll never compare to Jaune.

Jean: Don't ever mention that loser's name here. He deserved what's coming to him. We should've abandoned him when we had the chance. He's just nothing more than a breeder for us.

Pyrrha had enough and tried to hit Jean, but due to her anger taking over, she couldn't focus and charged blindly. Jean dodge it and kick her in the stomach. Causing Pyrrha to fall.

Jean: Is there anyone else who would like to challenge me?

???: I do.

Everyone looked to see the vigilante, Infinite, appear above the arena. Most of them were scared of him because he was defeating and destroying the White Fang bases and killing of Huntsman and Huntresses (mainly the ones that went rogue).

 Most of them were scared of him because he was defeating and destroying the White Fang bases and killing of Huntsman and Huntresses (mainly the ones that went rogue)

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Infinite: I'll fight you, Arc

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Infinite: I'll fight you, Arc.

Glynda: How did you get in here without triggering the alarms?!

Infinite: As usual, you always have to have your panties in knot, Goodbitch.

Glynda was pissed and tried to subdue him, but he was right in front of her already, catching her off guard. Infinite then punch her in the face, knocking her out.

Most of the students: Ms. Goodwitch!

Infinite: Now that the bitch is knocked out, we can begin the fight.

Jean: I refuse to fight a criminal like yourself.

??? #2: Actually, he's not a criminal.

Everyone looked to see Ozpin coming into the arena.

Ozpin: He's going to be a new student here and he wanted to challenge you, Jean, for the title of being the leader of Team J.N.P.R.

Jean: This is unacceptable! The decision was already made when my failure of a brother disappeared.

Infinite: Either you fight me or I'll hunt your family members down and bring their heads to you.

Jean: You wouldn't. 

Infinite: Try me.

Jean: Fine, I'll fight you.

Infinite: Good. But first things first.

Infinite healed Pyrrha after the battle.

Pyrrha: Why did you heal me?

Infinite: Because your fearless leader cares about you and I made a promise to him.

Pyrrha: Where is he?

Infinite: He's safe for right now and he want me to tell you that me misses you and his teammates.

Pyrrha was smiling after hearing that. She knows that he have to be safe.

Infinite: Ms. Nikos, I need you to leave the arena. I don't want to see a beautiful girl get hurt.

Pyrrha blushed after hearing that and left the arena, not before saying this to Infinite.

Pyrrha: Give her hell.

Infinite: *smirks* Oh I will. 

Pyrrha left the arena, leaving Infinite and Jean in the arena.

Infinite: Now that she's gone, it's just you and me, Arc.

Jean: I'll defeat you and make you submit.

Infinite: You're more than welcome to try, but you're going to fail.

Infinite summoned a blade and got into a fighting stance.

Infinite summoned a blade and got into a fighting stance

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Infinite: But enough talk

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Infinite: But enough talk. Have at you!

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