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It took some time, but Phayu could finally admit to himself that he was stressed.

There was a lot on his plate, and while he was keeping up with his tasks, there was an undeniable weight on his shoulders that was growing difficult to hold as things continued to pile on.

Even with some of the ill mechanics returning to work, the shop was still behind on getting customers' cars repaired and Pakin's bikes ready. Since most were still recovering from their sickness, their performance wasn't as well as Phayu would have liked, but the extra set of hands was appreciated enough to take some of the edge off.

Still, there was too much to catch up on, especially since the races were in just a few days and not even half of the bikes had been altered. Saifah and Aon were doing their best to take care of it, but the regular duties of the garage were the priority.

Upon waking up in his loft, Rain snuggled up adorably to his chest, he could only admire his boy for a few short minutes before he made the mistake of checking his phone and seeing that Mohk needed his assistance immediately.

A couple months ago, Phayu received a promotion at the firm that he happily accepted, less for the money but for the experience. There was an itch in the back of his head that he wasn't ready to act upon yet, but the responsibilities of being junior partner would give him the skills.

Little did he know how much his presence would be demanded, by his boss and by other architects needing his expertise and opinions and approvals that Mohk couldn't give when he was too busy. They were a small firm with a lot of work, so getting things done as soon as possible with as little discrepancies was much needed.

But the worst of it was how all of this kept him away from Rain.

The moments together were cherished, but not enough. He craved the intimacy like no other, needing his hands and mouth on Rain when they had the privacy, but how he needed more.

When his darling boy had shown up the garage last night, worried that he hadn't eaten, his heart had nearly burst through his ribcage and arousal stirred violently in his stomach.

He couldn't even wait to drag Rain up to his loft, bending him over one of the bikes right there, eating him out like he'd perish from hunger. It was what Rain deserved for being such a sweetheart, taking care of Phayu. He had even woken up with Phayu to repay him for Monday night, the blowjob taking away some of the tension that unfortunately built right back up.

It was with a heavy heart and an explosion of kisses that he woke Rain up, telling him he had to leave to go to the firm.

Rain had pouted up at him, batting his tired, doe eyes. "Okay, Phi. Have a good day, try not to stay too late."

With a sigh, Phayu had replied, "I'll try." but deep within him, he knew the chances of coming home on time were slim.

Phayu didn't come home on time, but it wasn't that much later. Saifah told him to not worry about the garage, that things were starting to pick up and he'd give him an update on their progress in the morning. He trusted his twin and left it to him, thankful he would get to go home to Rain.

Upon entering the house, placing his blazer and bag down, his eyes instantly landed on Rain who was curled on the couch, phone in his hands, clearly playing a game from the concentrated expression on his face. A scolding was on the tip of his tongue until he noticed the school books on the nearby table, making Phayu's eyes grow soft.

Before he could make his arrival known, Rain turned his head towards him, a smile that rivaled the sun spreading on his face. "P'Phayu!"

Phayu couldn't suppress his own smile as he watched Rain throw his phone down and hop off the couch, barreling towards him. He opened his arms and caught his boyfriend as he threw himself onto Phayu, wrapping his limbs around the mechanic like vines.

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