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Glancing at the time, Rain pouted. It was way past dinnertime and Phayu had yet to return home.

He knew his boyfriend was helping out at the garage, having offered to go up there with Phayu to assist Nui. The mechanic had sweetly told him he didn't have to, and that he'd hopefully be on his way home soon. That was over an hour ago, when Phayu had called him to let him know where he would be.

Rain knew Phayu could take care of himself, knew firsthand how in control Phayu was with his life, but he couldn't help but worry still.

Last night, Phayu had been so tired that he didn't even fuck Rain, choosing to bring the younger to orgasm using just his fingers instead.

Don't get him wrong, Rain loved every second of it. But he loved it even more when this morning, he had Phayu with his head thrown back, fingers curled in Rain's hair as the younger sucked his boyfriend off, Phayu's cock hitting the back of his throat until he was gagging on it.

After Phayu spilled down his throat, the most relaxed grin had spread along his face. Rain had stayed on his knees, unbothered by the hard tiles of the kitchen floor, smiling as he watched his boyfriend stay up in the clouds for a minute, knuckles white from where they gripped the counter.

When Phayu had come down from his high, he smiled down at Rain. "Good boy."

Rain preened at the praise, finally rising to his feet to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's neck. "I told you I would, hubby."

"I didn't doubt you for a second, darling," Phayu chuckled, hands finding purchase on Rain's hips. He dove in for Rain's lips, kissing him breathless before shooing him away to make them a quick breakfast.

Rain smiled at the memory, staring at the exact spot where this all occurred. The smile slipped away as the loneliness set in, the dinner he had cooked going cold from where it sat on the dining table.

An idea popped into his head, eyes going bright before he ran over the plates and began carefully transferring the food into containers. He hummed a happy tune as he grabbed a bag to place the containers, carrying it as he grabbed his car keys and put his shoes on.

With dusk arriving, the auto shop's activity was dwindling as the workers retired home. Rain glanced inside the office, Nui missing from the reception desk. Rain wai-ed to two sniffling mechanics walking past, obviously trying to work through the illness stumping the garage.

After finding no Phayu inside his makeshift home, Rain ventured through the rest of the shop, eyebrows knitting together as he poked his head in and out of several garages, each one without a Phayu inside.

"Did I just miss him?" Rain wondered out loud, scratching the back of his head as he continued to the last garage, the one where Pakin's bikes resided.

Looking inside, elation filled Rain's chest as his eyes immediately fell on his lover, crouched behind the tail of a Ducati, his back towards Rain.


The sound of whatever tool Phayu had been using clattering on the ground made Rain giggle, his smile brightening when Phayu twisted his neck with wide eyes, lips parted as if he was surprised to see Rain.

"Rain?" Phayu rose to his feet, turning to face his boyfriend. "You're here."

Rain gently placed the bag of food on the ground and walked up to Phayu, throwing his arms around his shoulders while Phayu instinctively placed his hands on his hips. "I missed you."

The streaks of oil and grease and whatever else on Phayu's face did nothing to mask how his expression melted into one of adoration. He squeezed Rain's hips and leaned in to give him a chaste kiss, careful not to get the younger's face dirty.

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