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Cai Lung stirred from his sleep, disturbed by the commotion outside his chambers. He reached out, only to find that the sheets beside him were cold - Mu Yang must have left early. His lower back ached, and exhaustion still clung to him. All he wanted was to retreat back into the embrace of his bed for the rest of the day.

Mu Yang POV

Earlier that morning***

Mu Yang had been awakened by the warmth of Cai's body enveloping him. He was surrounded by Cai's scent, and the thought of leaving the bed was unbearable. But duty called - he had to attend court. Mu Yang didn't want to disturb Cai, knowing that the man hadn't been getting enough sleep lately. When Mu Yang kissed Cai's forehead, there was no response, confirming his fatigue.

Cai's POV


"Is anyone there?" Cai called out, feeling the discomfort in his hips. Mexaing entered the room, accompanied by maids, carrying fresh clothes and bathing tub with hot water. Cai rubbed his face, still in a daze from sleep.

"What's happening out there? I heard shouting." As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, the sheets slipped away from his pale skin, making contact with the plush carpet. A hand reached through the veil, passing him his discarded robe. Cai took it, standing on unsteady feet as he wrapped the soft material around his body and stepped into view. Mexaing moved forward, offering her support as she guided him towards the adjacent door on the right. It led to Cai's private bathing pool that was being filled with heated water. The journey was short, but every step sent a jolt of pain through him.

It had been a while since he had used that area, and Mu Yang had not been gentle. As she assisted him, Mexaing replied to his inquiry.

"The empress sent her maid to collect the crown prince. I informed the guards not to let her pass the gates, and she wasn't pleased, so she caused a fuss."

"I see, if she returns, come and notify me." Cai nodded, his exhaustion weighing on him.

Mexaing left the room, and Cai sank into the hot water of the bath. The steam, infused with the scent of lavender, enveloped him, bringing a sense of relaxation. Closing his eyes, he reminisced about the previous night, his face flushing bright red. Determined to clear his mind, he began washing himself fervently, trying to rid himself of those impure thoughts. Cai was supposed to meet his uncle later after his court session, but he wanted to speak to Mu Yang first.

What was the point of having the most powerful man in his bed if he couldn't face his own uncle? He wanted to ask for help for his mother, so she could live comfortably in the capital. After stepping out of the bath and wrapping himself in his robe, Cai made his way back to the outer rooms. To his surprise, the room was empty, except for a tray on the side table. The aroma of congee filled the air. Mexaing had also laid out an outfit for him. Cai still wasn't accustomed to being pampered like this

Sometimes, he even felt guilty towards the maids, but he knew it was their job, just as it was his to be served. Cai had just finished eating and was in the process of tying his clothes together when Mexaing came running in.

"Your Highness, it's not good, the empress arrived with her personal guards, and she's beating one of the servants mercilessly."

Mexaing had been on her way to the kitchen to check on lunch when chaos erupted. As she neared the gates, the empress's sedan pulled up, and all hell broke loose. Quickly tying his hair into a top bun, Cai Lung rushed out, with Mexaing following behind. He had done his best to avoid a confrontation with the empress, but trouble had found its way to his doorstep. Ever since he discovered that the crown prince had been placed under his care, he knew this day would come. As Cai stepped into the courtyard, his eyes were immediately drawn to a guard mercilessly beating a young eunuch boy.

The boy lay bloodied, barely conscious. Overcoming his shock, Cai stepped forward and kicked the stick from the guard's hand before he could strike again. Shouts erupted, and his guards clashed with the empress's guards.

"Enough! I've had enough." Cai declared, his weariness evident. He looked at everyone, but his attention was fixed on the empress as she spoke.

"It was me."

Empress Li Ling proclaimed. She couldn't stand the sight of Cai Lung's face, more beautiful than her own. A man should not possess such beauty. She despised him from the depths of her heart. The desire to tear that face from his body consumed her, there was no way she would allow her child to be taken away. He was her ticket to the empire, her path to ruling the entire kingdom.

Stepping down from her chair , she made her way through the grand gates, her eyes fixed on Cai.

"I, the empress of this kingdom, cannot punish a mere servant."

Cai's gaze met the stunning woman before him. Her petite figure was adorned in a honey-colored robe, her perfectly coiled hair piled atop her head, adorned with golden ornaments fit for an empress. She possessed both beauty and intelligence, but unfortunately, her heart was as wicked as they come. With a forced smile on his face, he stepped forward.

"This humble servant greets your highness." he bowed, showing her the respect befitting an empress. Let's see if he can defuse this situation and leave Mu Yang to deal with her when he returns.

"Let's forget about formalities." she said dismissively.

"I am here for my son ,bring the crown prince to me." Cai lung furrowed his brow in disbelief. Was she serious? This was a decree made by the emperor himself. How could either of them dare to disobey?

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, your highness." he replied cautiously. "Please return and come back when his majesty is back from court."

What else could he say? He simply wanted to rid himself of her presence and wash his hands of this troublesome situation.

"Oh? Good! Good!" Li Ling sneered at him, pointing her finger. Her face flushed with anger.

"So now you're bold enough to block my way? Let's see if you'll still be standing when you no longer have legs."

She turned around, ordering her guards. "Go and seize that shameless man and give him twenty lashes for obstructing the empress's path."

The guards immediately moved forward, but Cai's own guards stepped in their way. Cai himself was preparing to fight off these intruders. He was growing tired of being polite when the head maid of the empress came running as if her life depended on it. She whispered something into the empress's ear, and Cai lung watched them intently. The color drained from the empress's face.


she shouted, forgetting her quarrel with Cai. She turned to her guards, walking past them, and hopped onto the sedan chair, making her way back to her courtyard. As the chair carried her away, her entourage trailing behind, Cai could see her clutching her chest in distress.

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