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I awoke to a comforting warmth surrounding me. As I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a tent adorned with furs. I was wrapped up tightly in a bundle of black fur, and the tent itself was incredibly spacious. As my eyes adjusted to the soft glow of the lamp, I sat up and blinked away the remnants of sleep, trying to get a better understanding of my surroundings. Across from me, two individuals were engrossed in studying a map.

They must have heard me stir, as they both turned their heads to face me. The emperor's intense gaze met mine, but I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to be consumed by the piercing intensity of his stare. I wondered how long I had been unconscious, and as I peeked through a small crack in the tent, the night sky confirmed that I had slept through everything. How did I end up here? I pondered to myself. Lost in my thoughts, I was interrupted by the other man in the tent, who broke the silence with a sigh. I glanced in his direction and noticed him sipping tea, lost in his own world.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, not bothering to look my way.

I remained silent for a moment before responding, my voice sounding hoarse to my own ears. I cleared my throat and turned my gaze away once more. I realized that I was no longer wearing my armor, but instead, I was dressed in a thin hanfu. The fur slipped off my body, and I felt a chill seep through the tent, causing me to shiver. I was so preoccupied with trying to figure out who had changed my clothes while I slept that I didn't notice when he approached me.

"The eunuch changed your attire so you can wipe that shocked expression off your face," he said, tossing a thick fur coat over my shoulders. I felt a sense of gratitude towards him, despite my reluctance to feel any emotions towards him whatsoever. "Are you going to sit there all night and worry, or will you join me for supper?" he continued, bringing me back to reality.

I let out a sigh, removing the rest of the fur blankets from my body and putting on the coat he had given me. I stood up and made my way over to the table where he was seated. I appreciated the warmth provided by the fur-covered ground beneath my feet, even though the cold air still lingered. I sat at the table in silence, resting my elbow on the table and placing my chin in my open palm as I stared off into space.

"Guards!" he called out.

"Tell the cooks to bring the stew." He instructed.

A man and a woman entered the tent shortly after, carrying trays filled with bread, meat, and cheese. They paused at the doorway, waiting for further instructions from the emperor. With a wave of his hand, he signaled for them to approach. They placed a black marble bowl filled with steaming hot stew in front of me, as well as one in front of him. They placed the meat, bread, and cheese in the center of the table before us. Once they finished, they took two steps back and bowed their heads.


He said, without even glancing at them. They bowed once more before turning on their heels and exiting the tent, leaving us in silence once again. He picked up his spoon and began eating his stew, while I observed him from the corner of my eye. Eventually, hunger overtook me, and I began savoring the delicious stew. Every bite melted in my mouth, and a moan escaped my lips involuntarily. I was so engrossed in my food that I failed to notice the man staring at me with a lustful gaze. Suddenly, I heard him chuckle, and I looked up to meet his desire-filled chocolate brown eyes.

"That's a delightful sound, Lung Er." But I would love to hear it even more when you're riding my cock." He said, a smirk forming on his lips.

A blush crept up my neck and onto my face, my breathing becoming uneven. My head felt fuzzy from the intense heat of his gaze. It felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the tent, leaving me gasping for my next breath. The predator-like look in his eyes made me feel the need to run, to escape if I wanted to survive the night. He looked at my body, licking his lips, and his hand began to reach towards me. I instinctively leaned away from his touch, causing a frown to form on his face. Just as he was about to stand up, the tent was pulled back, and my uncle entered, kneeling on one knee.

"Forgive the intrusion, Your Majesty, but the scouts have just returned."

Wu Yang's point of view.

Wu Yang brought his hands back to his sides, using Wu Yang swiftly lowered his hands, grasping the tablecloth to carefully cleanse his mouth. With determination in his eyes, he stood up and trailed behind General Li as they exited the tent. The only thought occupying Wu Yang's mind was the impending retribution awaiting Cai Lung. As the breath I unknowingly held was released, a wave of relief washed over me, relieving the tension in my body. Gradually sinking back into the chair, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over. Time and time again, fate had intervened in my favor, preventing him from capturing me.

However, my luck seemed to be dwindling, leaving me with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty. In my desperation, I silently pleaded for Buddha's guidance. My gaze shifted to the array of food laid out before me, but my nerves had rendered me incapable of feeling hunger, let alone considering a bite.

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