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In the early hours of the morning, I snuggle closer to the comforting warmth on my back, desperately trying to prolong the moment of tranquility. Reluctant to awaken from this blissful state, it has been far too long since I've felt this level of comfort and contentment. I'm simply not ready to let it go just yet, fearing that it may all be a dream. Suddenly, a peculiar sensation prods at my back, prompting me to slowly open my eyes in curiosity. Blinking a few times to rid myself of sleep's remnants, I gradually become more aware of my surroundings.

It is then that I realize something is amiss, the warmth on my back solidifies and shifts, indicating that someone is holding me. Tentatively, I gather the courage to investigate, yearning to discover the identity of this mysterious presence. With caution, I shift my body slightly and lower my gaze, only to find a pair of hands securely wrapped around me. Confusion floods my mind as I try to piece together the events of the previous night, but my memories remain hazy.

What happened? Did I consume rice wine? No, that can't be right, my head feels perfectly clear. Ah, the emperor, i recall glimpses of the emperor. And then it hits me, the emperor was the one embracing me, tenderly maneuvering my body to make a discreet exit without disturbing his slumber. His grip tightened momentarily before slackening, granting me the freedom to roll away. Sitting up in bed, I push aside the strands of hair that had fallen around my face. My gaze shifts towards him, the man who shamelessly shared the night with me.

Some of his hair has escaped from its confines, cascading onto his visage. I study his handsome features and ponder how he can appear so innocent in sleep yet exude an air of cold authority when awake, as befits his status as the mighty emperor. My hand instinctively moved towards his face, ready to brush away the stray strands of hair, but just as it neared him, I hesitated and pulled it back. A battle raged within me as I debated whether to touch him or simply get up and leave. Yet, there I sat, unable to tear my eyes away from his captivating presence.

Determination welled up within me, and I reached out again, only to have my hand intercepted by a larger, stronger hand. My eyes widened as I found myself staring into his mischievous gaze, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You know, Cai." he began, his voice laced with confidence. "you can touch me anytime you want. No need to overthink it." With that, he brought my hand towards his lips, pressing a soft kiss against my trembling skin.

"W-who said I was trying to touch you." I stuttered, my face flushing a deep shade of crimson. The heat radiated from my cheeks, betraying my embarrassment.

"You were." he replied, his eyes locked with mine. "I've been watching you ever since you rolled away from me so gently."

"You know." I interjected, my voice laced with a mix of frustration and amusement. "That is quite a bad habit to have, oh great emperor, one might think you derive pleasure from secretly observing your subjects." I huffed, realizing that I had been played.

Here I was, foolishly thinking he looked so innocent while he slept. Once again, Cai, you've been outwitted by this man.He chuckled and reached out towards me, but I swiftly swatted his hand away.

"Why are you so reserved, my delicate rose? There's no need to feel embarrassed anymore, especially when." His voice grew husky and seductive as he uttered his next words. "You've caressed more than just my face in the past, shall I remind you?"

That's it. Who does he think he's talking to, I rose from the bed, determined to storm out of the room. However, he stopped me in my tracks.

"You can't leave, so don't even try, besides, I want to show you something." he declared.

I glanced at him, trying to decipher his intentions. "Don't be angry now, i promise, you'll adore it here. Just pull those doors apart." he said, pointing towards my left.

I continued to ignore him, but my curiosity began to overpower me. Slowly, I approached the doors and flung them open. The sight before me was breathtaking, leaving me weak in the knees. Even in the midst of winter, the garden was utterly magnificent. I was so entranced by the beauty that I failed to notice him approaching until the doors abruptly closed shut.

"Since our time apart, it appears that you have grown quite passive." he remarked, his voice carrying a playful tone that thinly veiled his underlying irritation. The memories of my time spent in the clutches of the Mongolian leader, Changdong, were still raw and not yet ready to be shared with anyone, including him. There were important matters I needed to disclose, like the presence of Changdong's disguised men lurking in the city. However, instead of delving into those topics, I found myself scanning the unfamiliar room I was in, realizing that it was not a place I recognized from my memories of the palace.

"Where are we?" I questioned, attempting to divert the attention away from myself.

"We are in your palace," he replied nonchalantly.

"My palace?" I echoed, bewildered by this revelation.

"Yes, indeed, your palace." he confirmed.

"Alright then, may I inquire, your highness, as to how I have come to possess such an extraordinary palace?" I couldn't help but let my voice rise in volume.

"Hmm, it is a wedding gift," he answered cryptically.

"A wedding gift?" My voice betrayed my astonishment, reverberating louder than I had anticipated.

"We will discuss that matter later." He dismissed, his tone evasive. Attempting to distance myself from him, I started to step away, but he tightened his grip on my hair, causing me to turn my head slightly to see what he was doing. To my surprise, he brought the ends of my hair to his nose and inhaled deeply, sending a flutter through my heart.

宮殿 Gōngdiàn×The PalaceWhere stories live. Discover now