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Darkness met him one more time. This time, it was felt for just a moment. His senses were blocked and his sight had gone blind for a while. However, his senses slowly returned as his touch did. He felt his limbs were stretched out and wide. His wrists were tightly restrained with an immovable grip. His hands, neck and feet were suspended, grabbing onto nothing. His smell returned, and he could detect the rancid stench of decaying wood. It was everywhere around him, a putrid aroma that woke him up. His taste returned, his tongue felt dry and deprived of flavor. His hearing returned, and he listened to the noise of cogs and chains turning right behind him. Their heavy weight threaded like a tank's wheels. He was beginning to notice the circumstances and his paranoia returned. He pulled on his restraints in an attempt to budge them. That was when he recognized this strange motion of the gears. He was spinning. Spinning in a circular rhythm akin to the machine behind him. The circumstances were clear now, and he yelled out for a sign of help.

"Help! Someone! Tracy!"

He tried to yell out a plea of help from anyone present. His request was met with the murmurs of the shadows surrounding him. The light giggles could be heard mocking him. He looked to his sides, trying to see the sources of the noises, and yelled louder.

"Someone just fucking answer me already!"

And so those same voices whispered a collective "Ooooh" of surprise. Jefferson's eyes widened, clenching onto the restraints. His sight returned, bringing the blurry colors to a frame. Then, there was a sudden flash of light that nearly blinded him in white, before they moved and circled around. Pink, blue, and violet colors started to shine onto the circus grounds, with a single silhouette twisting before him on a pedestal. A cheerful voice began to speak, bringing awful, awful memories.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Overlords and broke imps who snuck their way in here, welcome to our grand circus!"

It was the jesters' master. His greeting to the crowd caused a wave of cheer and clapping towards him. Jefferson looked at his surroundings, trying to assess the situation in a panic. Their eyes, the many eyes of evil that glowed in the dark and looked at him with playful intrigue. Their master continued, his red and blue eyes looking at him.

"Today, we have a...very special guest. And on our first attraction too! Feast your eyes on this once-in an-afterlife show...the wanderer on the Wheel of Death!"

His grand announcement was followed up with a violet spotlight falling on Jefferson's body, presenting himself as the ringleader of the circus. The machine suddenly stopped and finally set his body upright. Those eyes in the shadows looked in surprise, others looked with insidious intent. He gritted his teeth and looked at the ringleader in a state beyond panic and paranoia. His eyes shivered at the mere sight of him. The ringleader revealed himself from his silhouette, greeting him with a toothy smile.

"Wake up, they've come all this way just for you"

Jefferson's eyes locked with the ringleader's. They were ginormous, glowing like the watchful moon itself. The human in peril was immediately silenced by his imposing figure. He was tall, towering over him with his hands behind his back. He had huge ears and long horns with a top hat in between. His suit was purple and was decorated with a single red bowtie. His hind legs were huge, keeping him at a great height. Finally, a puffy white tail. His entire body resembled a jackalope, standing out from the variety of lights. The human's breath heaved heavily, having finally met his punisher.

"No, no, no! This can't be real!"

Yet, Jefferson continued to question himself in the face of doom, hanging onto denial. The ringleader found himself amused and turned to the crowd.

"Let's turn things back a bit! One of my loyal jesters found him crying to himself all alone in one of our private rooms. They immediately alerted me, and oh...I almost couldn't believe it! Then...we found him laying face-first in the hay. You know the rules, no sleeping allowed while you're on the job!"

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