Chapter 7: The gala

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Yuji's POV:

I sighed laughing again as Sukuna messed with my suit in front of the mirror in my room.
"Shut up you're making me mess up" He grumbled and I chuckled again.
"Sorry, sorry! It's just I already look fine boss" I told him and he glared up at me as he took a step back. Examining me over for like the fifth time.
"We are going to a very high end gala and by high end I mean leaders of the nation will be there high end..." he explained AGAIN and I nodded indulging him. He turned around to deal with his tie and kept messing up his fingers trembling. After a few failed attempts he cursed and threw it down. I sighed chuckling again and picked up the tie moving over to the front of him.
"Here let me" he sighed and nodded his head for me to continue and with my much steadier hands started to tie his tie. "Everything will be fine, we've talked this over a thousand times" I reassured him and he tugged out an annoyed groan as he looked up.
"But still-"
"Ah!" I cut him off as I finished tying it for him "We go in, split up to draw Gojo out, when he's spotted we let the other know and bam we raid the place and kill him" I explained it again and he shrugged nodding his head from side to side.
"Rather watered down but yeah essentially, you have your ear piece in?" He asked and I nodded tapping my right ear where the clear earpiece was settled you couldn't see it unless you were looking for it. He let out a stressed sigh and patted me on the shoulder. "Now are you sure you want to do this? If this goes south... I can't... I can't guarantee your safety..." he said and I inhaled sharply as I thought for a moment.
"This is our best chance yeah?" I asked and he nodded slowly. "Then let's do it... I trust you Sukuna" he nodded again and we left entering the limo. The car ride was silent but I kept a small smile on my face whenever Sukuna glanced over at me. That seemed to ease his mind little by little. I had to admit I was nervous as well. To keep from suspicion I would be without any escorts and on top of that we would be splitting up. But after all these months training with Uruhame and this past few weeks going over the plan with Sukuna made me feel more confident I could come out of this. We pulled up to the gala and when the limo stopped we stepped out to the red carpet with hundreds of cameras flashing and reporters calling out names of famous celebrities like actors and actresses as well as K-pop artists. They didn't pay much attention to us thankfully and we finally slipped in to the large venue but not after slipping through the metal detectors bribing the security to let us past with the gun Sukuna had on him. Chatter and music filled the room and me and Sukuna gave a glance to each other nodding as we split off. I headed towards the bar figuring that a good place to start and sat down looking around. This type of crowd was definitely not my cup of tea but I was doing this not only for me and my grandpa but for Sukuna. I turned around on the bar stool and ordered a simple drink just whiskey on the rocks and sighed as I swirled it around.
"Date ditch?" A voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked over seeing a taller man with blonde hair wearing these weird sunglasses that looked like goggles.
"Uhh... yeah! How'd you know?" I asked going along with it and he sat down.
"Looked down in the dumps is all, sorry forgot to ask if I could join you?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Don't mind at all man! and what about you? Date ditch as well?" I asked putting on a smile.
"Well... not necessarily... more of date hunting I guess. I saw someone I thought I'd ask over there but..." he paused and I looked back to see where he was pointing. "Ah forget about it they're long gone" he said after a moment or two and I nodded turning back.
"Sorry bout that man I'm sure whoever they are will turn up" I reassured him and he nodded giving a very small smile.
"Well how about a drink to dates going to shit?" He asked raising a glass he had brought over with him from before.
"Sure! Why not!" I said with a laugh and lifted up my drink we both downed it and I grimaced at the taste.
"Eugh... I think their whiskey here's got something wrong with it" I said laughing out as I wiped my mouth. He just shrugged seeming to grimace as well.
"Weird aftertaste yeah?" He asked and I nodded coughing a little.
"S-sorry about that, anyways I never got your name-" he suddenly got close catching me off guard.
"I'm sure you've heard my name before... Yuji Itadori" I gasped my eyes widening in shock as I looked him over. Blonde hair... blonde hair... blonde- SHIT.
"Nanami" I gasped and stood up abruptly. The world swimming as my head felt a sudden large wave of pain and pressure making my vision swim. I reached for my earpiece in a panic and he grabbed my wrist harshly squeezing it tightly making me hiss in pain. He took out the ear piece and held it tightly in his hand.
"Won't be needing that" he grumbled out pocketing it and I panicked trying to get up to run off. But whatever the hell was in that drink... shit it was drugged! "Apologies for using such... unsavory methods... but this was the best I could think of without causing a hassle. Don't bother running you'll hit the floor before you make it anywhere" he explained sighing out. "Such a shame it turned out this way for you, you seem quite the honorable young man. Now come on we got places to be" he spoke as if talking to a child and hoisted me up forcefully, using his arm to support me as the drug continued to kick in.
"Stop... please" I slurred out as he pulled me away from the crowd. I barely paid attention to where he was taking me I was just focused on trying not to black out. I heard a door click open and suddenly I was thrown down to the floor.
"Told you it would work" Nanami spoke and I looked up slightly to see the floor trying my best to pull myself up onto my elbows but struggled. Breathing hard as I felt my head was spinning
"And so it did you never cease to amaze me Nanami!" A voice called out. A man... light hearted sounding as he laughed I heard someone walk up and I saw black dress shoes in front of me. "Even more breath taking in person is he not?" The man said seemingly asking Nanami.
"If you say so... although he is rather quite a nice man, offered to drink with me and everything." He explained and went to look up but the man beat me to it. Grabbing my chin as he bent down and tilting it up making me wince. The first thing I saw? Snow White hair and black round sunglasses. Shit... no...
"Hey there little dove, about time we finally met face to face no?" He cooed out and I forced my head out of his grasp but the momentum and my worsened reflexes made me turn over onto my back in the process making me grunt out in discomfort. He laughed at this moving around to look over me his hands in his pockets as he tilted his head. "Still got fight in him after all this... impressive... I wonder how much more he's got left in him..." he mused and bent down picking me up as if I was just a pile of feathers with no effort. He moved us over somewhere as I groaned out at the lights in the room that haltered my vision and was suddenly dropped I gasped expecting to hit something hard but instead was met with a cushioned embrace. Was this... was this a bed? The fabric below my exposed skin felt soft and silky and hella expensive my senses of touch heightened ten fold from whatever the hell that bastard drugged me with. I felt a dip in the bed on either side of me and looked up to see Gojo had crawled over me straddling my waist and keeping me in place.
"Before you... do whatever the hell it is you're going to do, I thought you should have this. He had it on him before I confiscated it" Nanami spoke and I saw him move over placing my earpiece in Gojo's hand as he chuckled while looking at it.
"So trivial... oh well, I'll have a use for it in a bit. That's all for now Nanami go on and... make sure we aren't disturbed" he commanded and Nanami nodded walking out and closing the door my heart sinking at the sound of a lock clicking in place...

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