Chapter 13: escape plan (part 2)

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Gojo's POV:

I clicked my tongue as I looked over some paperwork for a new shipment, scanning over the results of the newer formula tests. It had high addictive properties that were a bitch in a half to get clean from. Good, that makes business more profitable if the people kept buying. But there was another problem on my mind. I looked up eyeing Nanami and sighed.
"Does it seem... too quiet for you?" I asked and he looked up.
"Now that you mention it, it does seem that way. These past two weeks have been quiet" he agreed and I nodded stretching before standing up.
"I have a feeling it's because there hasn't been any new escape attempts from Yuji" I stated walking over to the window hands behind my back. And looked out on the mansion ground my eyes wandering to the west wing where he was located my eyes narrowing.
"Well perhaps it's because you almost made good on your promise to kill his grandfather if he continued to disobey you" Nanami reminded and I groaned rolling my eyes.
"Yeah... maybe your right... but I can't shake this... feeling" I said my eyes narrowing further as my smiled faded to a thin line. "I want Yuji's and Suguru's security increased, both the outside perimeter and inside." I told him and he raised an eyebrow lowering his glasses.
"Are you sure that's necessary? We could be using those hands on the newest shipment. You're going based off of a feeling sir not proof think logically on this" he reminded me and I whined turning around.
"Eugh! Damn you're voice of reason!" I whined turning back around. "We do need those extra hands on the shipment run..." I said my hand moving across the map of the city a red line outlining the route and key locations. Clicking my tongue I lowered my glasses with narrowed eyes. "How far are we with the newest installment?" I asked and he looked up expression never changing.
"Unfortunately even with extreme efforts the installment won't be complete until the day of the shipment so we'll be short on time moving things around. Do you wish to hold on until the day after the shipment to move him over?" Nanami asked and I shook my head.
"No as soon as the finishing touches are done I want him to be moved immediately use whoever you want to do it just get. It. Done." I enunciated and he nodded sighing once more as he rose from his seat.
"Is that all sir?" He asked and I nodded waving my hand.
"Yes that is all" I told him and he gave a short nod bowing slightly and then turning to leave the room. I looked back over to the west wing a small smirk returning on my face before sitting back down and returning to the loathe some paper work before me.

Sukuna's POV:

I laid out a sheet of elongated paper with a map of the city that held Gojo Satorou's territory a red line showing a route with red dots representing locations. Due to my inside knowledge I had learned that Gojo Satorou was preparing a hefty delivery of his latest drug. And with that information I had been told Nanami and the majority of Gojo Satorou's subordinates would be over seeing the delivery when it arrived. The best part? It was almost halfway across the city where Yuji was being held so they wouldn't be able to make it back in time once I had broken him out. What made this even better was Gojo would be left without his usual security leaving him all to me to deal with myself. Uruhame and a team would infiltrate the mansion recover Yuji with his location marked by our scouts and we would leave toppling both an empire of greed and lust and regaining Yuji all at once. We were on a tight schedule with the delivery only being in a week but with the current pace we were going it was sure we would hit the deadline. The only hiccup in the plan was navigating the technological security, if we triggered it to soon Nanami and hundreds of his men would return ruining this carefully thought out plan so we needed to wait for the grace period. Looking over to Uruhame I have a determined grin as she gave a sharp nod with a small smile. This... this was going to work

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