Season 1 Episode 3

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                          Third-Person POV:

"So, are you a suspect now?" Veronica asks.

"My dad says we all are, including me." Kevin states, motioning around the room.

"Not me and Alaric. We don't know these people." Veronica stated.

"Guys, should we maybe re-binge Making A Murder on Netflix tonight?" Kevin asks, looking around the room.

"Count me out. I'm going to Pops tonight." Alaric stated.

"Sorry. Can't. Gotta stay late to work on the paper." Betty stated, leaning forward, grabbing a grape, popping it in her mouth.

"Count me out too. I've got a date tonight." Veronica said, smiling.

"You do?" Archie asks, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Kevin asks.

"Hey. Vee-Lo. I'll swing by the Pembrooke at 8:00 to pick you up." One of the bulldogs states.

"I'll be waiting." Veronica stated, smiling at him.

"Cool." He replied before walking out of the lounge with Reggie and Moose.

"Chuck Clayton?" Betty questions.

"You're going on a date with Chuck?" Kevin asks.

"He's kind of a player." Betty stated.

"Who cares? He's the hottest of hot, and he's the Varsity football coach's son. In Riverdale, that's like dating a Kennedy." Kevin stated.


                               Alaric's Pov

Walking into the diner, I heard the bell on the door go off. I glanced around the diner, seeing it packed with other people from school, mostly the Bulldogs, before walking to the left side, finding an empty booth, and sitting down.

I had only been here for a couple minutes when a waiter approached the table. "Here you go, two double chocolates." The waiter said, sitting two drinks at my table. I stayed silent. I mean, who turns down free milkshakes?

I grabbed one of the milkshakes, bringing the straw to my lips, before looking at my phone, hearing someone sit down across from me.

I looked up, and it was none other than Reggie Mantle.

"What do you want, Mantle?" I ask, annoyed with him already.

"Shouldn't you be nicer to the person who bought you a milkshake?" He asked with his signature smirk.

I just rolled my eyes, standing up and heading towards the exit. "See you at school Lodge." I heard Reggie yell before I left Pops.


                          Third Person Pov:

"So how'd it go with Chuck?" Kevin asks, causing Veronica to laugh.

"Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde or even Diablo Cody." Veronica stated, sounding bored.

"Hey Veronica. How was the sticky maple you had last night?" Some random walking by asks.

"The what now?" Veronica questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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