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Not long after they had returned to Liyue it was time for Lantern Rite. Liyue Harbour was decorated beautifully with decorations and the were so many different stalls. Even Wangshu Inn was decorated for Lantern Rite.

Aether and Paimon were walking around Liyue Harbour checking many of the stalls that are placed around and Paimon asking for all the food we came across at the food stalls. During the walk they also came across a few friends which they did stop to catch up with.

"Hey Hutao!" Paimon called out with a bright smile.

Hutao turned around from the stall she was looking at to look at who had called her name and her face Immediately lit up.

"Traveler! Paimon!" She exclaimed happily.

"How are you doing now, Traveler?"

"I'm great, thank you. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, it seems I've worried everyone." Aether smiled apologetically.

"That's okay! Anywayssss~ I heard you went to Inazuma with Adeptus Xiao?~" Hutao teased.

"Oh yeah! It was so much fun! Wasn't it, Aether?~" Paimon giggled also joining in with the teasing.

"Mhm.." Aether mumbled flustered.

"Hehe! You should try persuade him to join this year's lantern Rite, Traveller. I think he'll enjoy it!"

"I don't think I will. I won't be able to persuade him anyway. I think me and him will probably just watch the Lanterns from up there." Aether said pointing to a large mountain not far from Liyue Harbour.

"Oooo~ just you and him hmm?" Hutao smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Y-yes. I don't want Paimon to miss out."

"She should enjoy the food stalls and other activities." Aether answered backing himself up.

"You'll be missing out then!" Paimon huffed with a stomp of her little feet.

"I think I'll be fine. I'd rather be somewhere quiet so I'll join Xiao on the mountains this year." He spoke quietly.

"If you're so sure, Aether." Paimon sighed in defeat.

"I don't see why you are acting all sad for. You'd leave me for food any day." Aether joked.

"HEY! I would never! If Paimon didn't have Aether, I would be all alone." Paimon screeched in disbelief.

"The food will keep you company, you'll be fine without be by your side 24/7." Aether continued to joke.

Paimon made a loud gasp. "UGH! AETHER!" Paimon stomped her feet angrily.

"I'm just joking with you Paimon. Now let's go get ready for the Lantern Rite." Aether said as he grabbed Paimon's leg as he walks past her.

"HEYYY! LET GOOO." She screeched.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

"Why are you not with Paimon?" Xiao asks

"I wanted to be somewhere quiet this year and I also wanted to spend it with you." Aether says calmly while sitting down on the grass. 

Aether turned back to face Xiao who had a confused expression on his face.

"Are you just going to stand there? Sit down."

Xiao stared at Aether then eventually sat beside him.

"We haven't seen eachother since Inazuma so how have you been?" Aether questioned softly.

"I have been well. I did indeed enjoy the vacation more than I had expected to." Xiao admits quietly.

"Well, hopefully you'll agree to come on another one." Aether chuckled.

They both went silent for a while and just sat staring at the night sky. Yet, it wasn't long until the silence was broken.

"Why did you want to spend the Lantern Rite with me." Xiao asked.

"...I am not entirely sure. I just always want to be with you and... you make me feel weird but weirdly good." Aether admitted.

Xiao was shocked and flustered by Aether's confession.

"I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry, Xiao." Aether stammered.

"Just ignore what I just said. It was stupid and I most likely  made you feel uncomfor-"

"No. I am not uncomfortable, Aether. I also have something I wish to confess to you." Xiao interrupted.

"What?!" Aether exclaimed shocked.

"During Inazuma, I had started to notice this feeling I get when I'm with you, and i only feel it around you. Paimon had actually told me what the feeling was as we docked at inazuma. And that was before I even noticed it. ...Aether, I think... I love you." He confessed.

Aether's mind was all over the place and his face was heating up. He was speechless.

Xiao lifted his hand from his lap and placed it on the grass behind Aether and slowly leaned towards Aether.

Aether finally processed what he had just said and what Xiao was doing. Yet he didn't move away instead leaning in too. There was barely an inch between the two's faces. Aether closed his eyes and Xiao immediately pulls him into a heated kiss.

The kiss was short as Xiao had quickly pulled away. He was worried he had done something bad as Aether never responded to his confession. Xiao was about to speak but instead was pulled into another kiss. All of Xiao's worries were pushed away, it was clear Aether reciprocated his feelings.

Aether's hands were cupping Xiao's face and was pressing firmly in the kiss. Xiao closed his eyes and leaned in more into the kiss.

As the kiss becomes more heated Aether pulls Xiao to sit on his lap which causes the kiss to be broken for a few seconds. They both eventually broke away from their make-out to catch their breath

"Aether.." Xiao spoke breathlessly.

"I love you too, Xiao." Aether smiled.



Hope you enjoyed it!

Yes, this is the end. (Forreal this time.)

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