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Taehyung ran from elevator and ran thrue long corridor, he opened heavy wooden door without knocking.

Jungkook sat behind the desk and gave him a murderous look as he burst in without knocking

But his facial expresion changed when he saw Taehyung and he suddenly froze when Tae spoke

He's back, Jungkook

Only one person in the entire universe could have caused such a look on Taehyung's face

When? Jungkook asked and instinctively pressed his right hand to his chest and grabbed something under his shirt

Right now, his plane just landed. Tae told to Jungkook and went to his table, bend down and started tapping on his laptop.

If it was been anyone else, he would be dead right now. But Taehyung had special place in Jungkook's life and in his heart.

Suddenly an arriving hall of Incheon Airport was showing on Jungkook's laptop and both of this men were staring at the screen

Jungkook gasped, his legs get weak and breath caught in his throat. He sat on his chair and stared at his laptop's screen with opened mouth.

It's him, it's really him, Taehyung.

I know, Tae whispered and carefully petted Jungkook's arm

But who is it? Jungkook pointed at some guy who followed the man who they were watching

I don't know. Tae whispered

WHO THE FUCK IS THE MAN WITH MY HUSBAND? Jungkook yelled and Taehyung get pale

You have one hour, Tae. I want to know everything about the fucker who came with my husband.

Tae left Jungkook's office and quickly started dialing one number

Hello friend, how are you?

Hoseok, baby, I'm fine. Did you enjoy U.S.? Welcome back

Why I'm not surprised? Hoseok laughed. Does Jungkook know?

What do you think?

Hm, so?

Who is it?

Oh, Taehyung. Why should I tell you?

Because, if you won't tell. I have last hour in this world

And you decided to spent it with calling me? I'm honored then

Fuck you, Hoseok

Really? No, thanks

Please, because of old times

He changed, Tae. He is scary now.

He would never hurt you, please. Baby

Fuck you. Fine I'll be at your ofice in 15 minutes

I love you

I know.

Meanwhile in Jungkook's office

Jungkook was standing by the window, his forehead lean on window, lost in his minds

He was remember when he saw his love for the last time. It's been 3 years. He was looking at Jungkook with teary eyes and then the elevator's door closed.

I should ran after him. I never should let him walk away. It was the biggest mistake of my life.

Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes when his phone started ringing. He knew that this call will come

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