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Seven months later

Jungwoo was sitting in his chair in Jimin's office, sleeping. He was up all night, because Jiha has her morning sickness all day and in night she want to cuddle and eat. So Jungwoo ran all night between kitchen, bathroom and bed.

Nice wedding ring was proudly showing on his ringfinger

Jimin was somewhere on some meeting and Jungkook was busy with sticking stuffs on Jungwoo's table.

When was Jungkook satisfied he sat by table and started working on his laptop

He slowly moved in Jimin's office. Taehyung was excited, because he was with Hoseok, but Yoongi who was officialy dating Kate now, was annoyed from it

Tae and Hoseok were glued together all day. Hoseok refused to move in Tae's apartment for now, so Tae was clingy on him, from fear that Hoseok could refuse him completely

Jiha has individual study because of her pregnancy, so she is spending more time here, cuddling Jugnwoo then study. Her baby belly is so big now.

So Jungwoo is either asleep or stuck to Jiha And Jimin with Jugnkook? Shame to talk, they are back in their teenages age. No one dare to walk in their office without long and loud knocking.

So Yoongi was alone, he moved in Namjoon's and Jin's office now. But there it wasn't much better. But atleast this two were act as adult and were capable to hold their horses down.

Jimin burst in his office and slammed doors, Jungwoo flinched and fell from chair with scream of pain, because his hand and legs were cuffed of to chair. So he fell on floor and the chair fell on him.

Jimin stopped and stared at Jungwoo, while Jungkook was crying with laugh. Jimin bit his lips not to laugh too.

Get out, Jungwoo. Jimin said

Jungwoo was staring at him from under the chair. I'd love to, but first the idiotic husband of yours must to open this fucking cuffs

Jimin raise his hand and Jungkook threw keys at him. Jimin opened the cuffs and gave chair down from Jungwoo.

Go, Jimin pointed at door, and Jungwoo tried to grab his laptop and cell phone, but it was glued to table, Jungkook whined with laugh again and this time Jimin couldn't hold his laugh anymore.

Very funny, Jungwoo hissed. Weren't you the most fearest mafia boss in Korea?

I still am you dickhead, have I to show you? Jungkok asked. If you weren't my brother you will lay 6 feet under ground now for to sleeping in my office during your work time

Your office? Jungwoo asked and looked at Jimin.

Go, now. Jimin only said and Jungwoo unsticked his phone and laptop from table and left

Jungkook took the cuffs from Jimin's hand and looked at Jimin with raised eyebrows

You wanna?

Not now, sit down, Jungkook. Jimin said and pointed at his chair

Jungkook frowned, but sat down.

Jimin looked at him. What the fuck you did do to Misun?

Aish, this? Jungkook scratched his hair. Well she was bitch, so.

What she did to you?

She asked something


She asked if she can join to us

Us? In dragons or vipers?

Nope, in Jeon's


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