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Tae dropped me in his apartment. We sat on couch and Tae brought bottle of whiskey, and without any words we shared it, we shared whiskey and our pain.

I laid in his lap and he stroked my hair

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Tae. It's all my fault

No, you were a victim Jungkook. Your brother did it

I closed my eyes. I know, but I promised to mom that I wont do anything to him

He sighed. I know

I sat and looked at Tae, we both had tears in our eyes. My fait is done. Jimin will marry someone else But what about you and Hoseok?

I don't know, Jungkook. We saw each other, I spoke with him the first day when they came back, and then at Park's and today, but he is wierd.

I wasn't faithful as you were to Jimin, so I guess that he don't want me anymore. And I don't know if I will be able to lure him back.

Yeah I was faithful to him and look at him. He is engaged with someone else. You know what is the worst, Taehyung?

I sat and lean my head on couch. Taehyung shooked with his head

The realization that he never loved me. I smiled bitterly and drank from bottle. I thought that he did, but I guess I somehow convinced him he wanted me.

Jungkook, he loved you, and I think he still does

I shooked with my head. He didn't Tae. If he did, he would come, he let me at altar Tae, I was wait there for him whole day.

He left me and live his life peacefully with someone else. I know what he saw, I know that he think that I cheated on him, but he never let me to explain and just ran away. I guess he set himself free

And do you know what? I love him so much, that I would come even if I saw him fuck someone else. I still would come and married him, because I promised to him. I never broke any promise What I gave to him. But now I know, that he never trully cared. He actually never loved me

Tae took breathe to speak


I turned around to find Jimin stood there with Hoseok by his side. He came to me angrily, took the bottle from my hand and slapped me. Once, twice, three times. And I let him. I would never hurt him

How fucking you dare said, that I never loved you? How dare you said that I never cared?

How dare you said that I lived peacefuly. You know nothing, you know NOTHING!

He said again and tears started falling from his eyes. I loved you with my whole heart, I would gave my life for you without thinking and you say that I never loved you?

Yes Jimin, you never did. Because if you did, you will never let me stand by altar, waiting for you. Whole fucking day. In sunshine, in rain, in storm. They musted to druged me to dragged me away from there. I know nothing? Huh?

I yelled at him,

And what I did? Huh? Found someone else, huh? No, like the last idiot I was still looking for you I was still waiting for you to come back and what is result, huh?. You came back, all happy with your fucking fiance and what I have to do now Jimin, huh? Tell me cause I know nothing I have nothing left, Jimin. Nothing. I lost everything

I turned around and left. I heard them scream my name, but I was so down I ran away, right on beach, on our place. I wasn't here three years. I sat down in sand, hugged my knees and closed my eyes.

I could saw everything again


I was 19 and Jimin 16, we were at his house. Our parents know about our love and they weren't surprised. So they agreed and we were so happy.

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