One - Happy

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"Has he surfaced yet?" Jax asked as he walked into the clubhouse, early in the morning, looking around seeing the prospect cleaning up the last of last nights remnants. "No, not yet, doubt he will be up before tonight." Chibs answered before taking a mouthful of coffee. "Don't worry. It'll be fixed by tonight...well I hope it will." Kozik said earning a few confused looks. "I talked to Lee this morning, and he's sent someone who he knows can snap Happy out of this." Kozik explained further. "If it helps, I'm all for it." Jax shrugged as he ran his hand through his hair. "Let's hope it does, the crow eaters are running out of here in droves..." Tig added to the conversation, a frown across his face. "Alright, let's get out of here and head to Redwoody, we need to check in with Lyla." Jax stated as he guys stood and followed him out.
"Did Lee say who he was sending?" Bobby asked as he sat next to Kozik at the bar, the prospect quickly putting fresh beers in front of them. "No but I have a fair idea who it might be." He answered before looking around the main room of the clubhouse, seeing Jax and Chibs playing pool, Tig sat on the couch with his pitbull in his lap, Juice sat at his desk in the corner doing something on his laptop, Tara and Gemma sat at a table talking with cups of coffee in their hands, and the prospect stood behind the bar; and then looked back up at the screen behind the bar that displayed all the security cameras.

A 2015 white Ford Edge pulled into the well-lit lot and quickly parked turning off its lights and cutting the engine. The driver got out and went to the rear door, opening it and lifting out a bag, putting it on the shoulder before lifting out a young infant. The women looked round the lot before seeing the doors to the clubhouse, she quickly walked across the lot and into the bright clubhouse, seeing everyone looking at her. "I thought Lee would send you." Kozik said as he stood up from the bar, he quickly walked over and hugged her carefully being careful not to wake her son. "Hi Koz, where is he?" She asked repositioning her son in her arms. "Let me take him." Koz said softly as he reached out, lifting him out of his arms. She quickly put her bag down next to the bar as Kozik sat down on the closest stool as Jax walked over.

"Hi, I'm Jax." Jax introduced himself. "Hi Jax, I'm Marley and that's my son Evander." Marley introduce her and her son. "Obviously you know Kozik, that's Chibs, Tig, Bobby, Juice, my wife Tara and my mother Gemma." Jax introduced, pointing out each person as he did. "Don't mean to be rude sweetheart, but why did Lee send you down to help Hap out of his mood?" Bobby asked the burning question. "Lee didn't tell you anything did he?" Marley asked looking at Kozik who had a smirk on his lips. "Only that you'd be here tonight." Jax answered. "I'm Marley Lowman, Happy's wife." Marley explained as Bobby spat his drink over the bar while everyone else's jaws dropped.

"His wife?" Chibs asked, his accent thicker than usual, the first to recover from the shock. "Yes and guessing by your reactions he wasn't forthcoming as usual. Now I'm guessing that Happy's being a supreme bastard, which he is allowed to be considering he is mourning, which is why Lee turned up on my doorstep in the early hours this morning. So tell me what I need to know." Marley said shocking them. "Straight shooter. Grab a seat so we can fill you in." Jax offered sitting down at one of the tables, Marley walked over and sat down opposite him. Jax looked round at the men, unsure of how to word it, not wanting to upset her. "You don't need to sugarcoat things. I know my husband and his attraction to busty blondes or anything that he can bury himself into really and I'm guessing he's been heavily drinking, dragging sweet butts back to his room, they've ran out of here which is giving the rest of the singles around here blue balls, and being nasty to anyone who's tried to get near him." Marley stated as everyone looked at her, amazed at her honestly and knowledge of Happy. "Well yeah actually, that pretty much sums it up. I'm glad we didn't have to say it." Bobby chuckled as Marley shook her head and gave a little smile.

"If someone can point me in his direction, I'll go see what state he's in, as long as you are alright with Van Koz?" Marley directed the last part at him seeing as Van knew him, and was still asleep in his arms, Kozik quickly nodded. "I'll show you to his door but I'm not going into the room with you." Jax said, standing up, as she laughed lightly and stood up. She walked the few short steps over to Kozik and Van, gently kissing Van's head before following Jax out of the main room to the hall way. Jax stopped at a door and pointed towards it, Marley nodded and stood in front of the door. "Thank you." She whispered, getting a nod before walking away, leaving her alone in the hall.

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