Two - Tig

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Tig walked into the packed but gloomy bar, the atmosphere instantly matching his mood; the guilt and sadness overwhelming him. He took a seat at the darkened corner of the bar away from everyone. "What can I get you handsome?" The barmaid asked as she stood in front of him, Tig raised his eyebrows as he looked at her before replying "bourbon, straight, might as well bring the bottle doll". He watched as the barmaid walked away, his eyes watching as the petite brunette walked away before returning with the bottle and a glass, placing it down in front of him. Tig handed her some cash as she poured him the first glass. She nodded before leaving him alone, smart woman he thought.

Through the night he watched her with ease as she made her way back and forth along the bar serving drinks and chatting, even as it got close to closing time and almost everyone had left; the bottle of bourbon and the tequila shots he had mixing together and he was well past the point of drunk. He looked around again realising he was the only one left and his glass and the bottle were empty, watching as the woman quickly cleaned.

Tig reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, he went to stand but she was quickly in front of him, snatching the keys out of his hand and slipping them into her back pocket of her perfectly fitted blue jeans. "Hey!" He slurred as she pushed him down onto the bar stool again. "You're drunk and not driving. Wouldn't want that Harley to get damaged because you came off it." The barmaid told him firmly, holding onto his shoulders. "I'll call you a cab and you can pick your Harley up tomorrow. Where do you live?" She asked as he still tried to process what she was saying. "Charming." Tig answered as she frowned. "Maybe not then, it will be too expensive." She said as she helped him up, wrapping his arm over her shoulders to help steady him, she moved and turned off most of the lights before helping him up the staircase.

She walked him into an apartment and sat him down on the couch in his drunken state, she quickly moved taking off his cut and laying it down on the coffee table, before removing his sheathed knife, his holster with his gun, and his rings, placing them all down beside his cut. She then leaned down and slid his boots off, before pushing him back so he was laying down as he quickly got comfortable and passed out. She quickly laid a blanket across him before walking to her own bedroom, scolding herself for bringing a stranger into her apartment.


Tig woke to the mother of all hang-overs and the smell of freshly brewed coffee; he groaned and quickly covered his eyes as the light burned them. A small giggle alerted him to another presence in the room, Tig quickly sat up and looked around, noticing he wasn't in the clubhouse before he noticed the girl from the bar sitting at the small dining room table with her hands wrapped securely around the cup of coffee as she read the paper and ate what looked to be fruit salad, just as the events of last night came back to him.

"There's fresh coffee in the pot, painkillers in the cupboard above the fridge and you're more than welcome to have something to eat." The woman said quietly to him as he looked at her. "Bathroom is just down the hall to the right, there's new spare toothbrushes in the top draw if you want too." She added on. "Thanks." Tig said as he stood, pausing as his world spun before righting itself as he continued to the bathroom, needing to piss desperately and splash some cold water on his face.

Tig walked back out, feeling fresher, and made his way to the kitchen quickly pouring himself a cup of coffee and getting a few painkillers. "I'm Reagan by the way." she introduced herself. "Tig." He answered pausing, "do you always bring people from the bar up to your apartment?" Tig asked as a blush formed on her cheeks. "No, you have the honour of being the first and most likely the last. Would've been a real shame if you damaged that Harley of yours trying to get back to Charming in the state you were in. Figured you had a good reason why you came all this way to drink." Reagan shrugged her shoulders as she finished speaking as Tig chuckled. "Yeah, defiantly would have been a shame." Tig answered with a smirk before finishing his cup of coffee. He walked back to the coffee table and picked up all his things, putting them back on his body before turning to see her standing in front of him, holding his keys which he quickly took. "Ride safe." She said as he made his way to the door, Tig nodded before walking out.


Tig found himself back at the bar the next night, watching Reagan as she walked towards him. "Hi handsome, want can I get you?" Reagan asked as she stood in front of him, a cocky smiling across her lips. "Just a beer tonight doll." He answered which was quickly placed in front of him before she left him to it.

Reagan finished closing up and turned back to Tig who was sitting at the bar, a beer in front of him, and looking at her. She walked over, grabbing a fresh beer for Tig and one for herself, taking a seat next to him. "Didn't think I'd see you again." Reagan said softly as he looked at her. "Hmmm...I thought about the pretty sexy woman that I woke up to this morning." Tig answered as she took a mouthful of her beer. "Oh really, tell me about her." She said fishing for his words with a small smirk.

"Well she has brunette hair, nice tits and ass, and can work a room without effort." Tig said playing the game. "And if this woman was to kiss you?" She smirked, looking directly at Tig. He turned and faced her, lifting his hand to the back of her head and twisted it in her hair, pulling her closer as he smashed his lips on hers, biting her lower lip, earning a soft moan that turned him on even more, his hand wrapped in her hair, pulling them apart as he moved to her neck as her hands went to his belt buckle, as his other hand went under her tank top, running over her lace bra.

Tig moved his hands down to her hips as she fumbled with his belt and jeans. He stood up, picking her up as he did and walked towards the staircase that he vaguely remembered from the previous night, chuckling as she reached out and turned off the lights as she started to undo his shirt buttons.

He walked into the apartment with her, his arms gripping her butt cheeks tightly as her legs wrapped tightly around him as they kissed. He kicked the door shut with his boot and turned around, pressing her hard up against the wall, his hands going to the hem of her shirt and pulling it off of her revealing a lace white bra as she pushed off his cut and shirt in one. He groaned as her hand moved down into her jeans and boxers, wrapping around him and moving along expertly...

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