Four - Kozik

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He walked into the darkened house, immediately removing his boots and leaving them by the door so he could move through the house quietly. He walked down the hall stopping and checked on the little five year old boy who held a special place in his heart, much like his mother, he walked in and gently pulled the blankets up around him before leaning down and kissing his forehead, he quietly walked back out and closed the door behind him.

He walked into the master bedroom, the bedside lamp still on for him like always, and Maci asleep. He moved towards the dresser, taking off his cut and laying it on top before removing his holster that held his gun, his sheathed knife, his phone and his rings, laying everything beside his cut. He quickly stripped down to his boxers, dumping his clothes in the laundry hamper in the corner before walking over to the bed and pulling the blankets back, and climbing into bed. He turned off the lamp before moving over so his chest was pressed against her back and his arms wrapped around her securely as he buried his face into her soft, brunette hair whispering "I love you Maci", she whispered back "I love you too Koz" just as sleep came over him.
"Ryder leave Koz to sleep baby." He heard Maci say quietly as he felt Ryder climb onto the bed and lay next to him. "But Mom, I want Koz to come to the park with us so we can all have the picnic together." Ryder explained with a pout as she smiled, just as Koz opened his eyes and lifted Ryder up in the air making him laugh before settling his down on his bare stomach.

"Can you come to the park with us today?" Ryder asked as soon as he stopped laughing. "Yeah little man." Koz answered with a big smile knowing that as long as he kept his phone on him, it would be fine. "Yay!" Ryder exclaimed as he climbed off of Koz and jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

Maci walked over with a big smile across her face, as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Morning" She said before leaning down and kissing him. "I guess I better have a shower, don't wait to keep Ryder waiting, he might burst from excitement. I'm going to have to take my bike though just incase something comes up with the club." he told her honestly as she nodded and laughed. "Alright, I better go pack the picnic." She said kissing him once more before she stood and walked out of the room, he quickly pulled back the blankets that were down to his waist and got out, walking into the bathroom to get showered.
Maci laid on her side on the picnic rug watching with a wide smile as Koz and Ryder kicked the brightly coloured soccer ball back and forth trying to get it past each other which resulted in Koz lifting Ryder up over his shoulder and spinning him around. Ryder protesting with "that's cheating" while laughing.

Koz put Ryder down and left him to play as he walked back to Maci who rolled onto her back just as he got to her, he laid down on his side next to her and leaned over gently kissing her as his hand spread flat over her flat stomach as he watched Ryder.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked as she bought her hand to his neck and brushed her thumb along his jaw. "You know I love the both of you right?" He spoke as he held eye contact with her. "Of course I do and we love you." Maci answered softly as she laid her other hand over his that rested on her stomach.

"I know biologically speaking Ryder isn't mine but he is mine." He said with such conviction. "Yeah he is. You know the other day I was bringing him home from school and he asked if he could call you Dad. I told him that it would be ok with me but he said he wanted to ask you first." Maci explained as his eyes lit up. "I'd love that." He replied genuinely as he leaned down and kissed her again.

"What would you think about having another one?" Kozik asked softly as she looked up at him in surprise. "You want a baby?" She asked with a smile. "I think that Ryder needs a baby brother." He smirked. "Or sister." She added knowing the desire for sons. "Or sister. So what do you think about having a baby with me?" Koz asked already knowing she liked the idea just by her smile. "I love it. Do you want to start trying straight away?" She asked as her smile reached her eyes. "Babe, I'd do you here and now if I didn't think we'd be done for indecent exposure." He replied as she laughed. "Tonight." She smiled as she pulled him into her and kissed him. "Defiantly" He said as he pulled back pressing his forehead against hers as they both smiled.
Kozik sat with Ryder in the lounge, curled up on the couch watching early morning cartoons as he decided to let Maci sleep in knowing she was tired and hadn't been feeling all that well since a few days ago at the park, before he took him to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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