Chapter 12 - The Boar Bares It's Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps

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Tanjiro's eyes widened as he saw Y/N enter the room. Him and the boar guy where in the middle of fighting the drum demon as she appeared. Y/N immediately jumped infront of Tanjiro and the little girl, holding her spear infront of them.

„Tanjiro. Update me on the situation."

The boy swallowed heavily, nodding.

„The demon is able to control this house by using the drums on his chest! He can turn the rooms and change their places!"

Y/N nodded, eyes shifting to the boar guy. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the demons aura. It was even more sinister than that of the regular demons she had encountered before. Frowning, Y/N jumped upwards, cutting off the demons arms. A pained noise left it's throat as the limbs fell to the floor. The noise of another drum echoed through the mansion once again, leading the rooms to change. Y/N jumped back, holding onto Tanjiro and the little girl. They where now in another room. Strange. Y/N had cut off the demons arms. Was there another demon with a drum? Was that it? Tanjiro held the little girl in his arms, looking at the woman that was now kneeling infront of him, caressing the little girls cheek.

„Shh.. Everything will be okay. Just stay behind Tanjiro. I will watch out for you both."

The adeptus stood up, exiting the room, gesturing for Tanjiro to follow her. There was another body, ripped apart and laying in the corner. Tanjiro averted his eyes, speaking to the little girl with a gentle voice.

„Don't turn around. Just continue following Onee-san."

The little girl looked up at him with wide eyes.

„You call her Onee-san.. Is she your big sister? But you guys look nothing alike!"

Tanjiro let out a soft laugh as he patted the girls head.

„We've been together for a while now. She entered my life when I most needed it so in a way, yes. She's my big sister. We don't have the same parents and she's way older than I am, but I see her as family."

Y/N's lips turned into a small smile as she listened to Tanjiro speak. She was grateful. Grateful to have someone like him in this world. Suddenly, Tanjiro perked up as the smell of blood invaded his nose once again. He gave a signal to Y/N who just nodded, opening the door infront of them. In the middle of the room sat a boy with.. a drum. So that was the reason for the sudden change. The little girl that was with them ran up to him, crying.

„Big brother! You're here!"

Y/N raised a brow. Alright. The big brother they searched for was found. Now she just had to find Zenitsu and the other boy.

„Teruko.. who are these people?"

Tanjiro smiled at the two children, introducing himself and his companion. Y/N took of her mask, not wanting to scare the little boy more.

„My name is Tanjiro Kamado! And this is my big sister Y/N! We're here to kill the monsters!"

The young boy broke down, tears flowing down his cheeks. The adeptus let out a soft sigh as she held out her spear, giving it to Tanjiro for a moment. Proceeding to sit down, she opened her palm, giving a motherly smile to the two humans before her as she created a small crystal fly out of anemo energy. The butterfly-like creature floated over to the two children, effectively distracting them from their current misery. She stood up, watching as the boy slowly calmed down as the small creature landed on his hand. Tanjiro, who was equally as interested as the children cleared his throat before pulling a small container with wound ointment out of his pocket.

„I got this from my master! It's amazing and works really well! You two would surely be scared of him.. He always wears a tengu mask!"

Y/N let out a chuckle.

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